Topic: Link Help!!!

Posted under General

I'm not sure if I picked the right category, but I'll leave that up to everyone if this should be moved.

This is about the "Download" button on interactive animations.

Before when I right-click the download button on an interactive flash, it would bring the animations into a new tab or window. But now, every time I try at it, I end up actually downloading it into an swf file.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Because I'd like to open interactive flashes into new tabs again.


Sounds like your browser updated to automatically attempt to download .swf files.

Updated by anonymous

Specifically third responce I made in that comment if you really need for flash content to autoexecute on new tab in chrome with newest versions. Rest of the other comments on that post are bit hit or miss with the topic.

TL;DR: It's not site, it's your software trying to make browsing safer.

Updated by anonymous

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