Topic: What do you look for in pornography?

Posted under General

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Obviously most people (if not all) people come here to view furry porn, but there's so many different tastes that's it's nearly impossible to list them all off.

When you do searches for porn, what do you look for the majority of the time? Males? Females? Canines? Big breasts? Massive cocks? Herms? Double dicks? Excessive semen? Bondage? insert-x-fetish-or-kink-here? Name them off, go into detail, now's your chance!

I have so many fetishes and kinks that I couldn't go into too much detail without filling your entire computer screen so I'm going to be brief.

  • Anything to do with anal and the anus
  • Oral sex
  • Food and eating
  • Anthro canines
  • Microphilia
  • Soft vore (being predator)
  • Masochism
  • hair pulling
  • choking
  • clothed sex
  • machines (thank FNAF)
  • frotting
  • dirty talking
  • excessive semen
  • pegging
  • bukkake
  • vomiting

Updated by Ratte

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Your enthusiasm is remarkable but you may want to glance over the rules sometime.

Updated by anonymous

I look for a burger. If someone places a burger in front of me, I am going to eat it and they will not stop me

Updated by anonymous

Me it's game like « get more character...for science.» where we must masturbate animal, get money or milk, unlock accessories to make orgasm easyly or stronger. I searche I game like rouse the chamelion but with a rathalos or raptor like my picture for exemple, and that the game is long. I game when we can get accessorie to make orgasme stronger and stronger. The dragon make cute noise. More the are plaisur, more the noise are strong and sexy. In the maximum orgasm possible, the dragon scream of plaisur. Look at sexy horny mystic creature are much mure fun that a dragon that ejaculate without have fun.

Updated by anonymous

I wait for the chance to make a totally funny first comment so that I get all the upvotes.

Updated by anonymous

memeboy said:
I look for waldo

There IS one pic here with waldo hidden amongst like 30 furries from various artists... its epic.

As for the whole kinks in porn thing, why not just browse what someone faves here? Wouldnt that be the easiest way to see what gets us wet in the pants region?

Updated by anonymous

Simple furry porn,not this fucking 10 dicks intense detailed pedophilia gay Pokemon yiff extreme taco bullshit.
NO 1080p HD SHIT

Updated by anonymous

I come here to see dragon porn , with males or females.
I love the bondage too .

Edit : I forgot some things , like reptiles , frottage , vore sometime , choking , domination , blindfold , penis , cum , vagina , oral sex : finally the majority of the pictures here .

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
Seems more like a "Best of E621 If You Only Like Females and Solo Girly Males".

Hence, "Best".
I joke.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
I'm looking for mmmmmm.

Man, people who draw humanoid human penises on pokemon are weird.

implying people who draw non-human penises aren't

Updated by anonymous

Anything horrible and disgusting enough so that I'll feel sick and nauseous thinking about it once I'm done.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Anything horrible and disgusting enough so that I'll feel sick and nauseous thinking about it once I'm done.

the twist: you haven't even vomited all over yourself once yet.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Anything horrible and disgusting enough so that I'll feel sick and nauseous thinking about it once I'm done.

This would not count then.

... and most SCUBA equipment functions relatively well when immersed in human blood. However, since the density of blood (1.06 kg/L) is much higher than fresh water (1.00 kg/L) and slightly higher than seawater (1.03 kg/L), SCUBA diving weights must be adjusted. For obvious reasons, most equipment manufactured after 2006 is designed to cope with this ...

Or the rest.


Updated by anonymous

Well in general I like anything that is big voluptuous sexy comfy squishy cuddly snugly hug-ably kiss-able lick-able love-able boop-able bouncy boobied cutie smoochy booty booty rockin' everywhere yummy gummy gooey echi yuri hentai etc... boobies

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

"Hey, a thread nobody's posted to in over two years. Let's post in it."

Don't necro forum threads.

Updated by anonymous

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