Topic: What do you think should be removed, added, or improved on e621?

Posted under General

Hey users (I'm one as well, don't worry), I have been thinking for quite a while now: What would you remove, add, or improve that would benefit e621 as a whole?


Updated by Houston Jobo

Hear me out here: instead, take the lemons, I know they should be removed for the greater good as they are pure evil, but try to make profit by converting them into lemonade instead?

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
Hear me out here: instead, take the lemons, I know they should be removed for the greater good as they are pure evil, but try to make profit by converting them into lemonade instead?

Every Villain Is Lemons

Updated by anonymous

I say we turn this into a fine upstanding site and remove all images featuring animals, humans, human-like animals, animal-like humans, nudity, clothing, colour, lack of colour, poofiness, lack of poof, and lemons.

Updated by anonymous

*drops off armor set carved from crystalized lemon juice* guys can use this. that crafting session wasn't as good an idea as i originally thought it'd be.

oh and fair warning. if anyone wears this junk that smell will not be coming off even after a few rounds of tomato sauce bathing. yeah...have fun. lol

Updated by anonymous

If you take the lemons out of lemonade, you're left with simple syrup.


Updated by anonymous

REMOVE LEMON remove lemon
you are worst lemon. you are the lemon idiot you are the lemon pledge. return to e621. to our e621 cousins you may come our irc. you may live in the basement….ahahahaha ,poofs we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole lemon stink poof sqhipere shqipare..lemon genocide best day of my life. take a bath of lemonade..ahahahahahFA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget poofs .e621 we kill the lemon , e621 return to your precious tags….hahahahaha idiot lemon and poof smell so i can smell it. REMOVE LEMON FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. f
poof+lemon+e621=kill lemon…you will meme/ melons alive in melonbox, melon making lemonade. melon621. we are smrt and have nudes now hahahaha ha because of poofs… you are ppoor stink lemon… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a basement
melon alive numbr one #1 in melonbox ….fuck the lemon ,..FUCKk ashol lemon no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur tags and website. melon aliv and real strong wizard juice all the lemon shitty poofs with melon magic now we the irc rule .ape of the zoo NMNY fukc the great ahura mazda and lay eggu this eggu hatch and lemon wa;s born. stupid baby form the lemon give bak our melonbox we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

Updated by anonymous

What's this lemon stuff you guys keep mentioning? Did I miss something?

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
so how about that Tor support, eh?


Really tho, I like tor, but when it comes to e621, it's caused more harm than good(More trolls using it than legit people using it). The bad outweighs the good by a large margin.

Also remove lemon.

Updated by anonymous

Chaser said:
Really tho, I like tor, but when it comes to e621, it's caused more harm than good(More trolls using it than legit people using it). The bad outweighs the good by a large margin.

Also remove lemon.

Didn't they have TOR on autoban at one point and users had to contact staff for an exemption from it?

Updated by anonymous

Chaser said:
More trolls using it than legit people using it.

Solution: everyone use TOR to access e6!
Hopefully legit TOR users would then outweight TOR trolls.

Updated by anonymous

I feel like there has just been a Remove Lemon party that I wasn't invited to.

Updated by anonymous

Ijerk said:
I feel like there has just been a Remove Lemon party that I wasn't invited to.

It seems to be 100% based off of a single image that doesn't define it any further, so I still continue to not understand it myself.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
It seems to be 100% based off of a single image that doesn't define it any further, so I still continue to not understand it myself.

It's a 2 year old meme originating from the IRC channel.

Updated by anonymous

Replace all lemon with poofs.

/fill x1 y1 z1 ~ ~ ~ e621:poof 0 replace e621:lemon 0

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
What's this lemon stuff you guys keep mentioning? Did I miss something?

Isn't it watersports?

Updated by anonymous

On a serious note, *color-coded date stamps* on posts/threads is something every forum should have.

Updated by anonymous

An interactive search on the home page would have helped me years ago.

Updated by anonymous

Add more info on Help for Forum and Blips. It's depressingly empty on instructions/guidelines.
Also something about lemons

Updated by anonymous

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