Topic: e621 Facts

Posted under General

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AlastairWhitehall said:
Fact: E621 has a cousin. (or is it a forgotten twin?) E926.
Fact: users of E621 never mention E926.
Fact: Except me
Opinion: Why?

Ok, the reason why we don't talk about e926 is because: I bet you're looking for a answer in this spoiler but sadly, I don't know either

Updated by anonymous

Okay so...

Fact: No one knows why E962 is ignored.
Fact: No one will call themselves a E962 user. Because E962 is to E621 as Luigi is to Mario. Inferior side-kick.

Updated by anonymous

AlastairWhitehall said:
Okay so...

Fact: No one knows why E962 is ignored.
Fact: No one will call themselves a E962 user. Because E962 is to E621 as Luigi is to Mario. Inferior side-kick.

Fact: You are correct

Updated by anonymous

Fact: No one gives a fuck about E926
Fact: E621 has its own population of creepers
Fact: MLP will only die with human extinction. At least at this rate.

Updated by anonymous

Foxy-Raccoon said:
Fact: "Facts" are usually true.

Fact: Sometimes not.

Fact: The Internet just got bought by Disney.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Fact: Walt Disney is secretly crogenicly frozen.

Fact: This is not a secret. Banned! ...oh wait, wrong thread

Updated by anonymous

Fact: This thread was necroed 10 hours ago
Statement: I am not a robot
Question: Why are we still on this?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Fact: This thread was necroed 10 hours ago
Statement: I am not a robot
Question: Why are we still on this?

So we can post facts like this:
Fact: Sindoll is the most posted artist on e621

Updated by anonymous

Fact: Despite common belief, a paradox can never truly exist. You're not thinking hard enough.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: I've gone past 50 tag edits! Next, 100!

Fact: some of these facts aren't about E621.

Updated by anonymous

AlastairWhitehall said:
Fact: some of these facts aren't about E621.

Fact: Canine is the most posted species on the site :p

Updated by anonymous

Opinion: E621 is the best site I have encountered at the moment.
Fact: I check E621 everyday.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: Bad dragon forums are more built up than E621s forums
Fact: I check the blips
Fact: ...

Thought: Going to bad dragon now...ran out of facts

Updated by anonymous

Fact: Bad dragon forums are massive. Maybe too much for my tiny brian..... Who the fork is brian?!

Updated by anonymous

Brian obviously.
BD (bad dragon) forums are actually small in comparison to others. E621 is just simple.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: follow the faith, for there is only one true LORD!

Fact:its fun playing theistic preacher

Updated by anonymous

Akkira said:
Users of e621 have a higher chance of having psychiatric disorders since all kinds of fetishes are often comorbidities of psychiatric disorders and "furry" is a fetish.
Most, if not all users of e621 have the furry fetish.

Guys and girls, you are masturbating to anthropomorphized animals.

But you forget. We don't give a fuck

i thought you didn't know you were stating the obvious i'm so sorry

Updated by anonymous

Fact: This thread has moved WAY passed the point of relevancy.

Also, I agree :)

Updated by anonymous

Fact: No one cares

The admins have left us to rot in this cess pit of facts.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: yes, yes it does

Fact: Soapboxes are a preachers bestf- friend!

Updated by anonymous

Fact: Soapboxes are made of cardboard these days, so standing on them would be less than effective.

Updated by anonymous

Fill them with soap bars!

Fact: Foxy-Raccoon is now a BD user.
Fact: I have soap

Updated by anonymous


It was previously run by Arcturus Nova, a former mod on FurAffinity that was fired because he started deopping mods that couldn't spell.]
Funfact everyone know: [That 'incident']

However, it was really the work of butthurt furs, especially due to the remarkable efforts of Furaffinity-insanekangaroo, a loyal furaffinity member who sided with Dragoneer to try and derail Arcturus's reputation after some DMCA drama involving use of the e621 mascot as artwork hosted on FurAffinity. They succeeded, but it added another notch onto Dragoneer's pile of fat.

Updated by anonymous

PheagleAdler said:
lol you're quoting ED...I can't say I put stock into anything that's said on that site.

Yeah, ED is just a dramatical version of wiki's
pretty fun read though..

Updated by anonymous

FACT: Users got banned because they ignored the news bar and posted tag implications

Speaking of, brb...

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
FACT: Users got banned because they ignored the news bar

I never read the news bar.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Fact: It was also a blip. Then Forum post.

and personally put in mario583's inbox, and replaced all his posts.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
and personally put in mario583's inbox, and replaced all his posts.

and divided by zero.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: I'm waiting for the necro-hammer of furry justice to come down upon this thread.

Updated by anonymous