Topic: What is your favorite Role Play Game Character?

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It can be anyone. Villains, Heroes, NPCs, you name it. I want to hear why you like some of these characters.

Personally my favorite character is Vivi Orniter from Final Fantasy IX. He's a Black Mage Doll who is one of the strongest magic casters in the entire Final Fantasy franchise. He's very child like and a bit lacking in self confidence but over time he grows more and more brave.

Updated by Siral Exan

Hero: Galuf. He fought to the last HP and then kept fighting anyway. I guess it's true what they say about ordinary people having a boost in strength saving their family. The HP is at zero, and he is not dead. He goes through a disk of fire, and he is not dead. Not until his granddaughter is free does he finally succumb to his wounds.

Non-FF Hero: Lucca. The lengths she will go to set things right. She'll break Crono out of prison knowing something is wrong. She'll give a sentient warbot the benefit of the doubt, making a friend out of what would have been a mindless killer drone. She'll see a gate to the day her mother was paralyzed and prevent it from having ever happened. And when she's saved the world, she'll continue to save the future by opening an orphanage and running it.

Villain: Kefka. No Freudian excuse. No cry for sympathy. It was an option, and so the option was taken. That is Kefka. So why does he win this when he seems so generic? Because in a world of tragic villains and attempts to make them understood, a villain who does wrong because they can is far from generic. The heroes weren't the mighty warriors. They were Tuesday. And while some have this villain already in charge or win at the last moment, he is nobody at the start and a literal god at the halfway point. And all this was done by a human who noticed he could.

Non-FF Villain: Kalas from Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. How much damage can one whiny manchild do? That would imply it was done without help.

NPC: Zacharie, from OFF.

Updated by anonymous

Yea, Galuf from FFV is my favorite hero too, and while Kefka should be my fav villain he pales in comparison to Griffon’s story and boss fight in Dark Cloud 2. I ain’t to spoil, but there is a large, kinda hard to miss theme in DC2 that hits you like a truck when you face Griffon.

Updated by anonymous

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