I am asking for i need more to read.
Thank you all for all the comics suggestions.
I fell silly, and i am sorry i did not specify precisely enough what i was after. Especially so long after the fact.
I would like to make a new list for comics, but not at this time.
Below this point i put all the fan fictions i find, I am trying mostly to keep it to written stories.
That mean i will not add any comics to this list, but i vile add the non comic version if its any good.
"A Rabbit Clan's Fox (Temperately or permanently not finished)
This one is set in Bronze age were different waring factions of different species is involved. I got a very "Vikings" fell from it and i can't recommend it enough. It is not a romans as many other works is centered around. (At lest not yet) You also get some interesting insights into bronze age society and maybe some information you did not know about rabbits.
"Savage City" (finished)
This one is taking place in modern times. It is a romans but its also a tragedy. This one is dark and may by hard to swallow for some people.
Remember you may need a account on the page to see all the pages, i am not sure thou.
"The Fox and the Rabbit" (Uncompleted)
This one is a romans centered around the concept drama but also the intrekuvsivs of a interspecies relationship. This one is for them of you who is cheering for team Nick and Judi. Its also very long at the moment 19 chapters.
"The Broken Mask " and "The Savage Dark" (Uncompleted)
This one is a romans centered around the concept action. Not only in the hit, punch and explosions part, but also in the bedroom part.
Jack savage make a entry in this one and is a very central character in the story.
This one is even longer than "The Fox and the Rabbit" but i would dare to say that i enjoy this one just a thine bit less than that one.
"Pack Street Stories"
This on is really popular, so if you haven't read it you probably have hide under the same rock as me. (It may be a very big rock)
Anyway This story is about a sheep thats a bit unusual and down on his luck. Therefor he decide to move to pack street for its cheep rent.
Its only one problem.
Pack Street is almost entirely populated whit predators, and Remmy is having a hard time adapting to his new neighbours.
(Adding more after i find more to add that i like, pleas add your own list to)