those of us rich enough to give money to Internet Strangers would like to ensure we're getting the most bang for our buck... well, i would be part of that demographic, but i'm not rich enough to give money to myself. but for the future, i would like to know which artists have Patreons that are withering on the vine and could do with an injection of much-needed dosh.
the one that comes to my mind first is Notkastar's, probably because the bloke never advertises it. $0 after a few months, to put it generously, is abysmal. we must remember that today's scrubby artist is tomorrow's visionary, and becoming their benefactors is a special privilege for a special type of patron.
special mention to artists who don't list how much they receive in donations each month. reminds me of those countries where you can walk into any government building and ask for a citizen's tax returns, and how convenient that would be for the rest of us.
Updated by savageorange