Topic: 'Young' and other broad age tags

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I tried to submit this through the proper alias suggestion tool, but it gave me an error that 'young' is already aliased to something. This is not the case according to the Wiki & I have seen it on posts so i'm not sure what the problem is.

I was going through looking for paw_patrol pics and I found there were not a lot of good anthro ones. I hit up another site and tried to transfer the good* ones over, only to find that almost all of them were actually already here.
*in my opinion

The reason they didn't show up in my search is because they had all been tagged young - which was not appropriate for the specific images. The characters were all depicted as developed adults. I have 'young' blacklisted, hence me not being able to find them.

The wiki specifically states that adult versions of young characters do not get this tag. Here are some that I found that had been tagged with 'young'.

post #1575563

post #1573042

post #728765

This makes me wonder if we even need the 'young' tag at all or if it should be an invalid tag. Someone looking explicitly for underage characters is probably looking for a much more specific age range anyway, and there are better existing tags for that.

Also, 'young' is possibly far too subjective to be a tag. To some people, like me, it points to a physically undeveloped individual. To others, it might refer to anyone under 18. Other people might be putting it on to mean 'not old' - anyone under 30 is young to some people.

Invalidating the tag would also be much easier than someone going through all the posts that are appropriately tagged as 'young' and picking out the ones that are incorrect.

The tags baby {toddler} child loli shota and cub are all much more specific and likely to be searched for.

underage would become an appropriate tag once 'young' is invalidated and the rest of the tags aliased to 'young' should be aliased to the appropriate specific age tag.

teenager is a questionable tag as it covers 13-19 and that's a huge range of development; also it's hard to tell if someone is supposed to be a mature teenager unless they're a ninja turtle. I'd recommend adolescent instead for the earlier stages.

There's no 'adult' tag; besides the obvious multiple meanings, 'adult' is also extremely subjective - different ages see 'adults' as different ages. 'Young' should be invalid for the same reason.

While we're at it, old is a bad tag. On top of being subjective, again, it has multiple meanings. If someone posted a picture drawn in 1995, that'd be an old picture regardless of the content. elderly is aliased to 'old' and I really think that should be reversed, since 'elderly' is much more specific and less subjective.

As for people who are agreeably no longer young and yet clearly not old? I'm not sure what to do there. 'mature' has the same problems as 'adult' so the best I have is MILF and DILF but those aren't great.

For my part, I'll be taking 'young' out of my blacklist and putting in the specific underage tags I do not want, but I still think this is a good idea.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

You saw the error because other tags are aliased and implicated to "young".
Young is our umbrella tag for the more specific tags like child, baby, teenager, etc.

The tag itself is also fine as is, since it's an umbrella term for any character that's not adult it serves a valid function to help simplify blacklisting.

For you examples both the first and last one have clearly non-adult body proportions, thus young is applicable.

Updated by anonymous

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