I've been working on setting one up that has a downloads/store area, a wiki, some forums, a section for articles/news, an events calendar, and a radio. Would such a website be redundant or outright pointless? I mean, every furry site I know of that even supports audio uploads doesn't exactly get any honours in that regard.
My main concern is that I would be filling in a gap that doesn't exist in the first place. Not that it would be furry-exclusive or something crazy like that, but still.
Edit: I think I was too brief with the description.
- Downloads/Store: Consists of member-created storefronts containing products.
- Members can have multiple storefronts (e.g. one for their personal work, and another for a label they run).
- Products can be digital or analogue, free or paid, and so on.
- Aside from music, other product types include samples and patches for hardware and software synthesizers (provided they're created by the uploader and - if they're derivative - don't run afoul of any licenses and copyrights in effect), tickets for events (first-party only; can be synchronized with its associated event in the events section), and merchandise (first-party only).
- Wiki: Pretty much what you would expect, although it's part of the CMS rather than being a separate MediaWiki install.
- Open to information on labels, producers, music theory, software, hardware, genres, etc.
- Uses Twig (instead of the absolute clusterfuck that Wiki markup is) for templating and advanced formatting.
- Forums: I have a spare XenForo license, but I decided to try setting it up within the CMS (considering how flexible it is) instead. Seems fine so far, but if worse comes to worst, I'll install XF and set up a plugin for each that bridges user accounts between the two.
- Events: An calendar that members can add music-related events to (raves, parties, conventions, and so on). Has RSVP functionality.
- Radio: Split into different channels for different genres. Members can submit their works (songs, DJ mixes) for approval to be played on an appropriate channel.
There are also some other features I've been planning for (e.g. JS webchat with XMPP/ejabberd as the backend) that are low priority for now.
Updated by TheHuskyK9