Topic: Question on "Mostly Nude"/What is Considered "Clothing"

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

(Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong category)

I understand that things like jewelry and other minor accessories don't count as "clothing" for mostly_nude, but I was wondering about other, more odd things that may or may not apply.

Example being shells. (Of snails, turtles, etc.)
post #1609542

Other than that, what about...

  • Singular pieces of armor/protective gear. (shoulder pads, kneepads, etc.)
  • Belts, utility belts, etc.
  • Pasties & maebari.
  • Crowns & tiaras. (Are they jewelry or hats?)
  • Various wrappings, such as cloth wrapped around the arms/legs of a fighter.
  • Large jewelry (such as very large necklaces) that might successfully cover "unsafe" parts of the body.
  • If any things alone don't qualify for mostly_nude, would that change if there's multiple pieces? (Elbowpads + kneepads, copious amounts of bracelets & anklets, a bracelet + anklet + necklace combo, etc.)

If there are any other questionable things you can think of, feel free to list them.

Updated by darryus


Former Staff

No, body parts such as shells aren't clothing.

As for the rest, most of them are covered pretty well in nude. If it doesn't count as clothing for that that, it doesn't count for mostly_nude either.

Jewelry is never considered clothing, and that includes tiaras at least. Not sure about large crowns. When the 'jewelry' is large enough to actually cover the body, then I'd say that it's more than just jewelry. For instance, I'd count this as clothing.

Updated by anonymous

Usually I just go by anything that's implicated to clothing (and maybe armor but I haven't seen many cases with this) is subject to mostly_nude and all else aren't.

Updated by anonymous

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