Topic: Tag Alias: hanea -> hane

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing hanea → hane
Link to alias


Same artist; hanea is their FA url's handle (shortened from the true username, hane_a), however they seem to generally go by hane.

I am also suggesting an alias of hane_a to hane as well, however I am unable to directly suggest an alias for it as it's aliased to some other tag that isn't visible for me on the wiki apparently. All 3 handles are the same exact artist however so it'd be good to alias them all to one single artist


Siral_Exan said:
Here's why you can't suggest hane_a.

Unapproved aliases/implications count as aliases/implications for whether or not you can suggest one.

Ah I see, gotcha. Regardless, this artist situation needs to be settled with some sort of alias cause 3 tags are being relatively used for the same person and that's a bit of a mess

Updated by anonymous

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