Topic: Tag Alias: aircraft_humanoid -> anthro_aircraft

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing aircraft_humanoid → anthro_aircraft
Link to alias


I created the aircraft_humanoid tag, but I think I chose the wrong name for it. Most of the characters that have this tag aren't what we would consider humanoid. In particular, the aircraft_humanoid tag doesn't follow the pattern established by the sub-tags of animal_humanoid, which is for "characters [which] appear almost entirely human".

However, I've frequently seen people on FurAffinity describing the distinction using the words "feral" and "anthro". These two words may not be literally correct, but people do seem to understand what they mean. We already have the feral_aircraft tag, so we just need to rename aircraft_humanoid to "anthro_aircraft" to match.

EDIT: The tag alias aircraft_humanoid -> anthro_aircraft (forum #243043) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.

Updated by auto moderator

-1, anthro is supposed to be for animals only. humanoid, on the other hand, fits the bill since it includes robots.

You may want to review the other tag you made, feral_aircraft, since that is not the appropriate use for feral. This topic was brought up in IRC before and the consensus was: anthro/feral aren't appropriate, humanoid can work, and nobody could come up with a name for natural living aircraft (because the topic was more on the humanoid ones).

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
-1, anthro is supposed to be for animals only. humanoid, on the other hand, fits the bill since it includes robots.

Well, this isn't about the anthro tag versus the humanoid tag; it's about a tag containing the word "anthro" versus a tag containing the word "humanoid". My personal opinion is that the word "anthro" is more appropriate because it accurately describes any character which has been anthropomorphized.

Updated by anonymous

secondCountable said:
Well, this isn't about the anthro tag versus the humanoid tag; it's about a tag containing the word "anthro" versus a tag containing the word "humanoid". My personal opinion is that the word "anthro" is more appropriate because it accurately describes any character which has been anthropomorphized.

It doesn't work that way, though. If you associate a word with X, even if it is not meant to be taken that way, said word can be implied from X and vice versa. To quote: "A person is smart. People are dumb..."; You may know wordsmithing, but people may take it literally.

Furthermore, you're outright using the system people can use to imply your suggested tag. This is a preemptive measure to avoid people from tagging or making an implication thread from your suggested tag to anthro. Anthro is to not be tagged on non-animals, and it doesn't help that people tag anthro on non-animals like aircraft that appear human-like. We have a name for human-like, it's called humanoid. Ergo, an aircraft that's human-like is an aircraft humanoid.

Updated by anonymous

I don't have anything else to say about "anthro" vs "humanoid" at this time.

I wonder if it would make sense to change aircraft_humanoid back to humanoid_aircraft. The only reason I changed the word order is to match other tags such as animal_humanoid and cat_humanoid, but given that the meaning of the aircraft_humanoid tag doesn't fit the pattern established by animal_humanoid, maybe it would be better for the word order not to match.

Updated by anonymous

secondCountable said:
I don't have anything else to say about "anthro" vs "humanoid" at this time.

Except that this isn't an "anthro vs humanoid" case... if you read the wikis, you'll see which one prevails. I have to say this: we don't use Anthropomorphic in the sense that a dictionary provides, because this site is all about animals acting human or possessing human traits. It's almost like we'd need a tag for things that aren't anthro.

Frankly, this reminds me of a certain amount of missing implications involving humanoids and certain other misconceptions.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
-1, anthro is supposed to be for animals only. humanoid, on the other hand, fits the bill since it includes robots.

By what definition? Anthro is short for anthropomorphic which applies to any creature or object that is given human-like attributes, regardless of origin. Elves and orcs are humanoid because they're essentially human in design, albeit with pointy_ears and green_skin respectively.

A plane, helicopter, or any other form of aircraft isn't naturally human-like in appearance, so they're anthropomorphized when given human-like proportions and features. Robots can be humamoid, but robots like foxy_(fnaf) are credited as anthro rather than humanoid.

As for the op, I can't issue a plus +1 because I haven't personally viewed all living_aircraft posts, but I am inclined towards a -1 because future posts may be more humanoid than anthro. My suggestion would be to make two seperate tags and create wikis (on site) to differentiate between the two.

Edit: I just read the anthro wiki, but I disagree with its assessment. We have a tag for what doesn't count as an animal, it's called not_furry. Furry, scalie, and anything else refers to anthro or feral animals. I feel like the anthro wiki should be modified. Most living aircraft is obviously less than humanoid (making them closer to anthro).

Updated by anonymous

UnusualParadox said:
As for the op, I can't issue a plus +1 because I haven't personally viewed all living_aircraft posts, but I am inclined towards a -1 because future posts may be more humanoid than anthro. My suggestion would be to make two seperate tags and create wikis (on site) to differentiate between the two.

You're suggesting that aircraft_humanoid and anthro_aircraft should both exist, as separate tags? I'm not going to try to make a distinction between the two...

Edit: I just read the anthro wiki, but I disagree with its assessment. We have a tag for what doesn't count as an animal, it's called not_furry. Furry, scalie, and anything else refers to anthro or feral animals. I feel like the anthro wiki should be modified. Most living aircraft is obviously less than humanoid (making them closer to anthro).

My understanding is that the anthro tag is strictly for animals only, and that this is not up for discussion. I think we all agree (maybe) that our "aircraft humanoids" *are* anthro, but site policy is that they will not be *tagged* with anthro.

(Or maybe not. @Siral Exan, would you say that the word "anthro" has a special meaning on e621?)

Updated by anonymous

as far as i know, humanoid tag required bipedal with humanoid facial structure.. and a lot of the content in the aircraft humanoid tag is missing the humanoid facial structure...

Updated by anonymous

What if a human(oid) with airplane parts shows up? May be possible with things like Kantai Collection.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
What if a human(oid) with airplane parts shows up? May be possible with things like Kantai Collection.

Well, don't we have a tag or two that differentiates between robots and robots with human parts or humans with robot parts? What was the name of it...? (Seriously, please help me out, I forgot)

Updated by anonymous

Per definition of the word anthro(pomorphic), post like post #1183555 or Lighning McQueen ,as example, would be considered Anthro. It means animals or objects which show human behaviour and/or characteristics.

On the other hand, humanoid aircraft could apply to things like Strike Witches as example. (I know it's equipment and not part of their bodies, was the only thing I could come up with)

Feral shouldn't be used for machines, it seems kind of wrong in that context.The admins would have the last word on that, of course. But per word definition Anthro would be the correct term

Siral_Exan said:
Well, don't we have a tag or two that differentiates between robots and robots with human parts or humans with robot parts? What was the name of it...? (Seriously, please help me out, I forgot)

I think humans with robotic parts are called Cyborgs

Updated by anonymous

I can't really type a lot, but we don't use a dictionary definition for anthro. We used a modified version that's more fit for the furry fandom, since if you use the dictionary Anthro becomes a overtagged term with little value; almost all of the animals on this site display anthropomorphism, feral or otherwise, and there isn't a better tag that casual users would understand.

Believe it or not, animal humanoids would fit the bill for anthropomorphism... and that's really something we shouldn't say. People have tried tagging said with anthro before, and vice versa, when there's supposed to be a difference.

Aircraft humanoid (or etc.) fits the bill, or at least is 99/100 percent accurate. Unfortunately, there just can't be a tag that'll distinguish with a 100% accuracy, yet anthro is less correct due to its limitation.

But really, boldly, with massive emphasis, Anthro is not the same as anthropomorphic on this site[/b]. The only reason I'm trying to continue is because that damn alias is messing with people. People mistakenly tag the dictionary meaning, and it gets aliased into the non-dictionary meaning that we use. If we had aliased into invalid tag, people trying to use anthropomorphic would find out that we don't use that dictionary term, and learn that it is an invalid description on this site.

Updated by anonymous

Anthropomorphic aircraft are traditionally referred to as aeromorph, which is currently aliased to living aircraft. If a distinction really needs to be made; I'd say just change the tag from an alias to an implication. But then of course someone would have to go through all the living aircraft images to re-tag appropriate ones as such. And then only use aircraft humanoid/humanoid aircraft for things like Strike Witches.

Updated by anonymous

Azula_Arktandr said:
Anthropomorphic aircraft are traditionally referred to as aeromorph, which is currently aliased to living aircraft. If a distinction really needs to be made; I'd say just change the tag from an alias to an implication. But then of course someone would have to go through all the living aircraft images to re-tag appropriate ones as such. And then only use aircraft humanoid/humanoid aircraft for things like Strike Witches.

That was also brought up, but since I have little knowledge with areomorph I've been discounting it. I knew it was aliased, but I don't know the reason why.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:

Oh, I didn't mean "Anthro" as tag, but "Aircraft-Anthro" or "Mechanical-anthro" or something like that

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:
Oh, I didn't mean "Anthro" as tag, but "Aircraft-Anthro" or "Mechanical-anthro" or something like that

Didn't I say that using "anthro" in the name would cause people to associate the tag with the actual tag "anthro"...?

Your expectations of how people would use the tag is not reality. Using "anthro" anywhere will cause some people to tag anthro by association, and they have been doing this even without your suggestion. Since it is invalid tagging, let's avoid naming it in a way that'd cause invalid tagging.

Updated by anonymous

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