Topic: Could anyone draw my pics better.

Posted under General

Twilightrider said:
I draw very bad, so i ask if anyone would like make the pics better.

Unless you pay, people probably won't draw for you for free.

The hardest, although cheapest way to ensure your art is going to look good, is to train yourself to draw well.

Updated by anonymous

Twilightrider said:
I draw very bad, so i ask if anyone would like make the pics better.

Your best bet is finding someone who is accepting commissions and then paying them to draw some pictures with your own as a base.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Your best bet is finding someone who is accepting commissions and then paying them to draw some pictures with your own as a base.

Most are too expensive. I cannot pay a lot, because I live directly on the poverty border. I work more than 50 hours the week and can finance to me just thus my food and drinking.
For small amounts it would be no problem, but for big amounts, does not go, because I would have to starve, otherwise.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Then your answer is pretty much "no".

Updated by anonymous

Twilightrider said:
Most are too expensive. I cannot pay a lot, because I live directly on the poverty border. I work more than 50 hours the week and can finance to me just thus my food and drinking.
For small amounts it would be no problem, but for big amounts, does not go, because I would have to starve, otherwise.

Commissioning art is a hobby, and it can be an expensive one. If you don't have the money, the problem isn't with the hobby, it's with your inability to pay for it.

If you're on the border of poverty, this hobby is pretty much closed to you, as are hobbies like scuba diving and skydiving.

No one is going to have any sympathy for you for not being able to afford art though. It's a leisure service.

If you want, you can work to improve your own art. That will take little money, but it will take a lot of effort. More effort than the vast majority of people seem willing to put in.

Updated by anonymous

while making such a thread shows you're as green as a string bean when it comes to the art community, which treats these little acts of charity / begging as worse than being a pedophile, i feel compelled to ask how you ended up in the situation of working fifty hours per week and yet still manage to be in poverty.

from your grammar i'm guessing English isn't your native language. please excuse my complex words, which i hope will encourage you to keep learning this frustratingly inconsistent language.

Updated by anonymous

making art is working. nobody wants to do high quality custom work for you for free.

Updated by anonymous

Sometimes artist take requests (for free), so look around and maybe you will stumble upon some.

Updated by anonymous

Prowl ebay for Famous Artists Cartoon Course, Speedball Cartoons, or Higgins Ink Cartoon book. Someone uploaded PDFs of Famous Artists Cartoon Course on their site, as these books have become sought after and somewhat $$$. Don't know why this is? For they are no where as nice as the very old ones by well know cartoonist and illustrators.

Yahoo Geocities is no more, which is a shame. As it had a some very nice cartoon sub-sites.

Updated by anonymous

Keep a sketch book, draw something every day, keep drawing, learn perspective and stuff like that, keep putting your pencil to paper. Don't give up or get other people to do what you have the latent capability to do.

Updated by anonymous

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