Topic: (How) Do you hide your porn?

Posted under General

Just curious :3
Mine's at "C:\Users\HemPC\Desktop\skolsaker\övrigt\mystiskt skräp som jag inte vet var det kom ifrån\skruuuuv\ThirdPtyStore" Which is basically just the most nonsense filepath I could find :p

What about you? Is it password encrypted, or did you just go with "desktop/totsnotpronz"?

Updated by Candeo La Segunda

Hide it, yeah right. I have flash drives and sd cards full of porn just laying around. I suppose there are benefits to being so alone.

Also when my brother was around I used to show off my drawings, I am really proud of how some of them came out and he knows I'm a weirdo.

Updated by anonymous

I don't.

I use a password on my computer but it's mostly to keep payment information safe.

Updated by anonymous

I'm into ninjas, so it's more like my porn hides from me!

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
I'm into ninjas, so it's more like my porn hides from me!

God I wish I could upvote comments on the forums!

Updated by anonymous

I used to do a shitty ripoff Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff comics with an overly bland and another overly custom Original Character Donut Steels, so I have folders hidden amongst those.

Updated by anonymous

All on a flash drive well hidden. I even have Firefox Portable running from it so no chance someone can find something in my browser history or any bookmarks ;)

Updated by anonymous

I hide them in another drive that's inside another computer which is located in Arizona :3c

Also, nobody uses my computers so I barely worry about that

Updated by anonymous

*Morpheus voice* When you're old won't have to.

Updated by anonymous

A mix of not downloading anything (I just use my favorites here because it's where I get like 90% of my porn from) and incognito mode

Updated by anonymous

I use Linux, which no one in my family knows how to use.
Also I have a family which respects my privacy.

Updated by anonymous

I live alone. I'm a hermit. I'll probably turn into Master Roshi as I continue to get older, but hopefully with far fewer tendencies towards sexual assault.

Updated by anonymous

I draw all my own porn on toilet paper with a graphite pencil. I use the canvases to clean up my sin. I flush it away.

Updated by anonymous

i dont really hide it. nobody else uses my computer so i occasionally even have porn scattered on my desktop until i move them into my porn folder. but if i wanted to hide it, i would probably put the folder into some obscure game’s files

Updated by anonymous

siikaprinssi said:
i dont really hide it. nobody else uses my computer so i occasionally even have porn scattered on my desktop until i move them into my porn folder. but if i wanted to hide it, i would probably put the folder into some obscure game’s files

Yeah, nobody else really uses my computer either, occasionally I show my brother stuff on it, like beginnings of poorly-made games in java (god I suck at finishing projects), but I could probably put it anywhere except desktop/PORN without anyone noticing.

Updated by anonymous

In a file named “Totally not porn”.

For a serious answer I don’t have any porn stored on computer nor my phone. I just use e62. I never really felt a need to store it on my device and the constant stress that someone might find my porn is reason enough for me not to start.

Updated by anonymous

I don't share a computer, so it isn't really necessary to hide my porn. I literally have a folder on my desktop labelled "Porn." Perks of being forever alone I suppose.

Updated by anonymous

When still in school, I had all my files in extrenal drive, just made hidden folder with name .COMPLETELYRANDOMSTRINGOFLETTERSANDNUMBERS so it wouldn't show up either on windows or linux and would seem like leftover of some windows install or something.

Now I have my own computer on place where only I live, so stored stuff is on my storage HDD in folder structure that makes sense.

Lance_Armstrong said:
I just keep it all on e621 now.

Problem with this approach are files that cannot be uploaded (.apk, .exe, .pdf, etc.), patreon exclusive files (which cannot be accessed from patreon itself anymore if you decide to drop the pledge), commissioned files, video files which are way beyond e621 limits, etc. etc.

If it's only porn someone is after then absolutely certainly, there's bunch and hundreds coming in daily, but if it's archiving furry material in general, putting eggs in one basket, even if the basket is made out of dildos, is never best idea.

Updated by anonymous

Like many others on this website, I have no need to hide them. Mine's all on my 4TB storage drive under


All my other non-e621 art (stuff that hasn't been uploaded to e6, or for some unfathomable reason, the artist doesn't want it uploaded here) goes under


Updated by anonymous

Eh, I just keep it on my hard drive, just laying around. I'm the only person using this computer so it's all OK.

Updated by anonymous

Mine is on my NAS purely because I don't want to waste SSD space on media.

And because it's on there it's technically AES-Twofish encrypted and further protected by proper rights management so that other users can't access it.

Updated by anonymous

Mairo said:
Problem with this approach are files that cannot be uploaded (.apk, .exe, .pdf, etc.), patreon exclusive files (which cannot be accessed from patreon itself anymore if you decide to drop the pledge), commissioned files, video files which are way beyond e621 limits, etc. etc.

If it's only porn someone is after then absolutely certainly, there's bunch and hundreds coming in daily, but if it's archiving furry material in general, putting eggs in one basket, even if the basket is made out of dildos, is never best idea.

The amount of porn coming in every day here is ridiculous.

While it would be sad to lose some of the best images here, I trust the users have most of it backed up. Especially since the entire site adds up to less than 2 TB. You can get a 6 TB drive for about $100 on sale.

The site could be adding about 1 TB every 3 years (1 MB per post average, 1,000 posts per day). Maybe 2 TB if the images are bigger these days.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
You can get a 6 TB drive for about $100 on sale.

TBH I don't trust mechanical hard drives that much. 3x 2TB drives sounds safer, even if it's more expensive.

(not that the majority of content is particularly worth archiving, either. Realistically it's ~20% or less of the total posts)

Vaguely related: It'd be nice if the stats page tracked "# of users who have actually done anything on e621 in the last 6 months"
(I was trying to work out average #favs per user, but I realized dividing 'total # favs' by '# members' won't work, because a huge pile of those accounts don't actually do anything, AFAIK.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
(not that the majority of content is particularly worth archiving, either. Realistically it's ~20% or less of the total posts)

I long for you to somehow make this point to all those people that NEED to archive the site every ten seconds because EVERY FILE IS PRECIOUS TO ME AND I WILL DO IT WITH 10,000 PROXIES IF YOU SO TRY TO STOP ME.

That and I suspect than less than 10 of the people that actually do that keep or look at more than 5% of the content.

Updated by anonymous

I... don't.
My drawings lie in a folder called "junk" in my documents and any artwork that I download is in a subfolder called "good artwork".

If anyone opens my Krita they're just gonna see a list of smut drawings. lol

Updated by anonymous

I used to have to hide my porn, to an extent. My family didn't necessarily fish around on my computer, but it was still a folder on my desktop (which has since moved to my external hard drive for space reasons), so I couldn't just call it "Porn". Which is why my porn folder is named Pictures 2.

That said, since my computer is now in my room and no one else in my family even looks at it, I could call it "Shylok's Adventures in Decapitation Necrophilia", and only I would care. (EDIT: Okay, maybe the NSA agent watching me would care, but they know enough about me to know that I think necrophilia is disgusting.)

Updated by anonymous

i dont. i dont save anything nsfw. even if there was a point, paranoia would prevent me.

Updated by anonymous

I hide mine in a mock-up of a download file for RollerCoaster Tycoon sitting on the desktop. Nobody goes searching in install folders!

Updated by anonymous

In a VeraCrypt partition. Can't let people around know that I'm gay

Updated by anonymous

L_Swear said:
in teh recycle bin. No one would suspect anything valuable in thair.

Restored before dump then deleted to there again

Updated by anonymous

L_Swear said:
Restored before dump then deleted to there again

That sounds quite cumbersome. There's also the possibility of it being wiped out either by the OS or some other software

Updated by anonymous

jackalamba said:
There's the possibility of it being wiped out either by the OS or some other software

ive got et blacklisted for ato dump and it isn't affected bi anty virus. es thair any other types of programz i shud look out 4

Updated by anonymous

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