Topic: Can muscular be tagged without big_muscles or higher?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

From forum #170108, it seems like the intent was for muscular to become a sort of umbrella tag for big_muscles, huge_muscles, hyper_muscles and other muscle-related tags (like muscular_male). But the wiki page was simply carried over from muscles and never substantially updated.

Is muscular purely an umbrella tag, or does it on its own imply a level of musculature somewhere between athletic and big_muscles? If it's the latter, how could that level be defined?

Prompted by forum #259802.


Maxpizzle said:
Is muscular purely an umbrella tag, or does it on its own imply a level of musculature somewhere between athletic and big_muscles? If it's the latter, how could that level be defined?

There are already too many levels imo. I've found when you try to get the average tagger to make really fine distinctions it almost always goes badly...there is so much bleed-over that you've essentially destroyed the true meaning of either tag. For instance when I look at big_muscles I'm seeing tons of images that should be huge_muscles and vice versa.

Anyways...I would reckon muscular does not have its own least not by how the wiki defines it...because it states it's about more than just having musculature, it's used when the character's muscles are the "central focus" of the that point I think you've reached big_muscles and beyond.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
There are already too many levels imo. I've found when you try to get the average tagger to make really fine distinctions it almost always goes badly...there is so much bleed-over that you've essentially destroyed the true meaning of either tag. For instance when I look at big_muscles I'm seeing tons of images that should be huge_muscles and vice versa.

I agree, and this is being discussed in forum #259802, but before we change things to make them what we think they should be, I want to clarify what they currently are.

Dyrone said:
Anyways...I would reckon muscular does not have its own least not by how the wiki defines it...because it states it's about more than just having musculature, it's used when the character's muscles are the "central focus" of the that point I think you've reached big_muscles and beyond.

Maybe. But the "central focus" thing is so weird, I don't know what to make of it. We don't say anything like that for any other tag, except things like male_focus. If a hyper_muscles character is in the background of an image, is it not muscular? So, I'm still not sure.

Updated by anonymous

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