Topic: Tag Alias: spikey_hair -> spiked_hair

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Dyrone said:
I would prefer the reverse, spiked_hair kind of implies that they styled their hair that way, when in a lot of cases it could just be naturally spikey. It would be like if there was a tag straightened_hair vs. straight_hair.

I agree. It's better to describe how it is now than what was done to it before, especially since there's often no way to determine the latter.

Also, the correct spelling is "spiky". If this alias request gets reversed, it should be changed to that. spiky_hair is more common than those other two tags, anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Well I don't have any preference, I just pick whichever tag has the most pics to be the "default" one and suggest all synonyms get aliased to it. Picking a different "default" is fine by me.

Updated by anonymous

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