Topic: There HAS be a multiple_boys/multiple_penises/multiple girls tags

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

sick and tired of seeing multiple guys in my pov searches...or in any of my searches. Would love to blacklist them all if I could, unfortunately there isnt a tag grouping together all this gay shit.

Updated by Siral Exan

It won’t get rid of everything you don’t want but you can try blacklisting “male/male”, that at least will get rid of all the gay shit you don’t want to see.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah...why are there no 1girl/2girls/3girls or multiple_x tags allowed? They come from other sites and thus they are bad? That's the only thing I could reckon from reading the aliasing reasons. Is there an actual logical reason for this?

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
Yeah...why are there no 1girl/2girls/3girls or multiple_x tags allowed? They come from other sites and thus they are bad? That's the only thing I could reckon from reading the aliasing reasons. Is there an actual logical reason for this?

do you have any idea what sort of mess maintaining and standardizing that large bulk of tag for every single gender tag on the site would be, especially when tons of people wont tag extremely basic shit like character genders and solo/duo/group tags

Updated by anonymous

siikaprinssi said:
do you have any idea what sort of mess maintaining and standardizing that large bulk of tag for every single gender tag on the site would be, especially when tons of people wont tag extremely basic shit like character genders and solo/duo/group tags

Yeah I guess that is a problem. Again, can't have nice things because intersex tags complicate everything too much.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
Yeah...why are there no 1girl/2girls/3girls or multiple_x tags allowed? They come from other sites and thus they are bad? That's the only thing I could reckon from reading the aliasing reasons. Is there an actual logical reason for this?

Choices made a decade ago are pretty hard to retroactively change. will YOU go through and tag everything with those tags?

Updated by anonymous

Yeah that'd make things pretty hectic... we're already kind of overwhelmed by the relatively newer tag projects like *_penetrated/*_penetrating, so it'd be even more of a mess to do a multiple_GENDER kind of tag project

Updated by anonymous

Even if you get the crazy idea to say OKAY, we're going to go through EVERY POST and tag *_girls, *_guys, *_penetrated/*_pentrating, and a few other things like that...

there are... STILL.. over 1.5 million posts.

I've done the math on this before. we're talking about thousands of man hours. Hundreds of thousands.

I'd rather see a full site rewrite and have to manually transfer all the pictures over

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Even if you get the crazy idea to say OKAY ... there are... STILL.. over 1.5 million posts.

It would probably be one of those tags (or in this case a group of tags) that you'd basically just have to start tagging from here on out and essentially just ignore old posts or maybe tag them at your leisure. It's not as if a tag has to be applied to EVERY SINGLE applicable posts to to be valid, people could enjoy and use these tags if they were only tagged on a few thousand posts (which I could do easily in a single day if I had access to some tagging tools on this site, but I don't).

Not even advocating for these tags, but it's not like it would be impossible to start adding them in, just doing so with the expectation that yeah, you probably won't get around to all 1.5 million posts.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
.... and essentially just ignore old posts or maybe tag them at your leisure.

So, It's probably not widely known. but I used to be the tag-admin who mainly handled aliases, implications and whatnot.

There aren't words for how badly this sentence made my stomach ball up.

I'm not sharing this to make you feel bad, I actually think my reaction is pretty funny. :)

It's not as if a tag has to be applied to EVERY SINGLE applicable posts to to be valid, people could enjoy and use these tags if they were only tagged on a few thousand posts

While true, the goal is that every image has every applicable tag applied to it. Because we don't just need to keep searchability in mind, but we also have to keep blacklisting in mind. If someone blacklists 2_females, for example, then they'll get upset if it's not on every post it applies to, y'know? (it's more of an outside case here because most people won't blacklist 2_females specifically, but idealy, every post has every applicable tag.

(which I could do easily in a single day if I had access to some tagging tools on this site, but I don't).

Mmm.... That's true, but the biggest slow down is actually verifying that the tags are right. should a post with a floating penis be "1 male"? etc etc. I'd end up using quick tags for a lot of it, honestly, over tag scripts.

Not even advocating for these tags, but it's not like it would be impossible to start adding them in, just doing so with the expectation that yeah, you probably won't get around to all 1.5 million posts.

fair enough -- the arguemnt comes up a lot though -- "please change all 1.5 million posts pls" and the above arguements cover a lot of it.

and I say this as someoen who would like to see *_female tags.

Updated by anonymous

BlackLicorice said:
It won’t get rid of everything you don’t want but you can try blacklisting “male/male”, that at least will get rid of all the gay shit you don’t want to see.

I do have male/male blacklisted. doesnt work

Updated by anonymous

Just blacklist -female -intersex -ambiguous then every post you see is guaranteed to have at least one character that isn't male in.

Updated by anonymous

deadpigeon said:
I do have male/male blacklisted. doesnt work

please paste your blacklist here so we can see it.

Also, could you please give us an example of pictures you would like blacklisted, but aren't?

Updated by anonymous

darryus said:
Just blacklist -female -intersex -ambiguous then every post you see is guaranteed to have at least one character that isn't male in.


Updated by anonymous

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