Topic: Happy birthday to you.

Posted under Off Topic

Just out of couriousity what is your favorite present you ever got form ol'e621 (using the tag, date:year-mo-da. Ex; date:2016-03-31)


Non_Ame said:
(using the tag, date:year-mo-da. Ex; date:2016-03-31)

1. Were you born in 2016 or is the year just arbitary of what you feel the best?
2. Is this actually bot trying to scrape information of users date of birth?

Updated by anonymous

Mairo said:
1. Were you born in 2016 or is the year just arbitary of what you feel the best?
2. Is this actually bot trying to scrape information of users date of birth?

2 year olds are getting better and better at the internet each year. A shame that e621 doesn't seem to have any posts from the 1980s.

Updated by anonymous

Mairo said:
2. Is this actually bot trying to scrape information of users date of birth?

I’m pretty sure the topic wasn’t made with malicious intent, however, that is a consequence that should be considered.

Updated by anonymous

Mairo said:
1. Were you born in 2016 or is the year just arbitary of what you feel the best?
2. Is this actually bot trying to scrape information of users date of birth?

It was just a random year to be honest.
Honestly im just really bored, and its been kinda a weird tradition of mine...

Updated by anonymous

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