Topic: Tag Alias: tealtentacles_(artist) -> tealtentacles

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

-1, considering:

  • 1, tealtentacles_(artist) is the only one of those two that's actually in use for them right now and the other is completely empty,
  • 2, tealtentacles_(artist) is the only one of the two that has had an artist wiki set up. Which is simple to fix but it does indicate that "tealtentacles" was never much in use for them to begin with so why make it the main tag now?
  • 3, their actual tumblr username is not quite either of those ("tealtentacle" singular is their url and "teal tentacles" as two words in their header [ ])
  • 4, and the potential for mistags of people trying to tag tentacles that are teal in color as "teal_tentacles" is sure to crop up sooner or later (and similar tags already exist for a lot of main colors of tentacles). But mistags getting funneled into an artist tag is one of the absolute worst tag messes to clean up. Or the tag being changed in tag type for that purpose without someone realising the mess it made, which happens often. At least as long as they have the _(artist) suffix it keeps it clear what the tag is for, which does help prevent both of those headaches.

I just don't see any upside besides being slightly shorter and not by much. I know some people dislike the suffixes, but sometimes they serve a valid purpose and prevent a worse inconvenience.

Updated by anonymous

+1 to FurryPickle's suggestion, not to parrot them but this is a reason why we have site-established suffixes that automagically go to the correct category.

Updated by anonymous

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