Topic: Pool #2074 is a mess

Posted under General

I found pool #2074 a while ago and its just a mess. Basically it seems to be two versions of the same comic placed after eachother in small sections of varying length. AND they've got parent/child relations, although i could only find one loop.

...i have no idea what to do with it, plz help :/

Edit: yay, found another loop, with a deleted post!
Also I looked a bit more and it only seems to be the beginning that's two versions. Still a mess though.

Updated by SnowWolf

I'm gonna fix the loops and remove the non-alt version posts from the pool, not quite sure which version to put in the pool though, parent post?. What about the alt version? Should it be two pools merging in the middle or should I just take them off the pool? And if it should just be one pool, which version should be in it?

I hope that made my actual questions a bit clearer:)

Also, should posts have deleted parentes or should that relation be removed?

Updated by anonymous

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
I'm gonna fix the loops and remove the non-alt version posts from the pool, not quite sure which version to put in the pool though, parent post?. What about the alt version? Should it be two pools merging in the middle or should I just take them off the pool? And if it should just be one pool, which version should be in it?

I hope that made my actual questions a bit clearer:)

Also, should posts have deleted parentes or should that relation be removed?

If I were to remove any post in a pool that are essentially the same I would keep the more detailed one and demote the infertor to become reguler parent/child post.alought I seen people put the alt version in a different pool sometimes,if there related that is.

Updated by anonymous

Marcopolo22 said:
If I were to remove any post in a pool that are essentially the same I would keep the more detailed one and demote the infertor to become reguler parent/child post.alought I seen people put the alt version in a different pool sometimes,if there related that is.

Made the alt version into a pool and removed the cencored posts which had uncencored versions, still one thing i'm not certain of however being which of these two (or both?) should be in the pool. I left both for now. Also flagged two cencored posts with uncencored versions. Bottomline still a few things but pool is a lot cleaner now:)

Updated by anonymous

Do you need to make a forum post about every little thing you do? -.-

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
Do you need to make a forum post about every little thing you do? -.-

Unfortunately, there's just not a way telepathically transfer information into someone else's head.

I think we would rather see many posts so that we may help guide him, rather than have him either give up, or go charging off and making his own guesses on how to do things.

He hasn't asked about the same thing repeatedly, so let him learn. we were all newbies once, y'know? Relax. <3

If he really bugs you, blacklist him for a few weeks.

Updated by anonymous

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