Topic: Tag Alias: blood_moon -> red_moon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Former Staff

Aliasing blood_moon → red_moon
Link to alias


Appear to basically be the same thing-- though the pictures under 'blood moon' seem to be faintly more 'intense'.

That said, Alias could go either way. I picked the more 'descriptive' of the two, though 'blood moon' is a really common phrase, too.

Edit: Much more in favor of:

Blood_moon implying moon

EDIT: The tag alias blood_moon -> red_moon (forum #249278) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.

Updated by auto moderator

I'd say alias the other way around since blood moon is the actual term for it. If you search for red_moon 'cause you don't know the actual term, you'll still get the same posts and you might even learn something:)

Updated by anonymous

Uhuh. I found these when I overhauled tag_group:magic (I only wanted to add orb lmao). You can check that and tag_group:romance, the other one I overhauled, for missing alias and implication ideas. Everything under the same bullet separated by "/" can probably be aliased easily--that's what that means. Some bullet indentations can be implications but not all would be correct. I CBA to bring this stuff up, definitely not until I see the harder general tag aliases and implications get processed. I have many more.

Now, the counterargument in support of red_moon is it's more inclusive. Blood_moon is a very specific phenomenon that describes the Earth's moon (Luna in my sci-fi books), and we can't tell what planet/reality/timeline most of our art depicts. We assume everything is set on Earth unless we have clear evidence to the contrary. I was going to say that "every blood_moon is a red_moon, but the opposite cannot be true", but that's not even true when blood moons can be orange and they have a murky definition (Blood moon prophecy ).

This blood_moon is orange:
post #469414

So, ironically, I see my argument swinging back in favor of blood_moon if we want to consolidate these into one tag and if we ignore the lack of astrological data for every post.

+1 to alias red_moon to blood_moon
and implicate blood_moon to moon

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

abadbird said:
Uhuh. I found these when I overhauled tag_group:magic (I only wanted to add orb lmao).

Hahha, that one was literally on my todo list :3 thank you!

I CBA to bring this stuff up, definitely not until I see the harder general tag aliases and implications get processed. I have many more.

Thing is, whenever someone gets around it it, they SHOULD spend some time spent going through the backlog. so you may as well say stuff now and let everyone get their opinions in.


Anyway, y'all have put me in favor of blood_moon. Someone COULD learn something, and not all 'red-toned ominous full moons' are actually RED.

Updated by anonymous

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