Topic: Tag Alias: parker -> parker_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing parker → parker_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


Various characters named Parker. Five tags that start with parker_ . And 2 characters currently tagged with parker tag.

parker_* e621 tags: ( all character tags )
1) 1 parker_(hxwke)
2) 1 parker_(hyenaface)
3) 6 parker_(scalie_schoolie)
4) 14 parker_(theredhare_and_demicoeur)
5) 6 parker_the_triceratops

By the way, two uploads tagged with parker tag:
1) a group image with all anthros (and apparently some ferals)
2) a JibJab animation where all the characters are human (or humanoid)

(Thus apparently no overlap of characters between the two uploads)

Let's future proof this tag please.

EDIT: The tag alias parker -> parker_(disambiguation) (forum #249797) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

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