Topic: Tag Alias: beta_suicune -> sui_(pokémon_gold_beta)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing beta_suicune → sui_(pokémon_gold_beta)
Link to alias


Beta suicune is what I've witnessed people use more than the actual name "sui", and probably what people type first over the proper tag. Has been used several times, so I feel this alias would be helpful.

Note that for a lot of the still existing, same named pokemon species betas, I've aliased to JAPANESE_NAME_(pokémon_gold_beta). This seems to keep in line with general standards in regards to this (see nyorotono, aka beta politoed) so I figured I'd follow that. If that isn't what people believe is correct, then an alias to a beta_SPECIES tag may work better. So I suppose assume a "vice/versa" comment alongside the beta_SPECIES → japanese name suggestions.

Also: I wanted to suggest a pokémon_(species) implication for each of these, but I wasn't sure what others felt about this, as in whether or not people consider them to be a species of pokemon since they were unused/revamped heavily to their current forms.

Sectioned these to prevent forum bloating.

Related implications

Species implications

Related aliases

Beta_* aliases, and related
Current form aliases 1

1 The difference between beta and current form is so minimal/nonexistant that imho it should be aliased. Note this is my opinion; if disagreed upon, then the tags get the standard implications the other above species tags do.

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