Topic: island with a meme,food,furry,video game, movie

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ok your on an island but all u got is a meme, a unlimited supply of a certain food, a furry, a video game , and a movie (plus a self powered tv that never stops working) and whatever's on the island

Ok the meme I would bring is doge because he can hunt down the prey on the island and then he would say funny things when he killed them like "such dead, many blood" and I would rofl(rolling on the floor lafing)
the food would be anthropomorphic shrimp girls (yum vore)

the furry would be Bonnie Anne from pirate101 because she got a big gun and she HOT

the video game would be serious sam because I can have 3 player with doge and Bonnie and it would be a blast.

the movie would be " a sharks tale" because of the progressive themes included in the movie, like the fish who sounds like a black guy getting rich and the shark character Lenny, who refuses to eat shrimp is a metaphor for gay and also the movie has lots of funny characters and moments. The best parts of the movie is the part where the seahorse trips because it funny and the Jamaican jellyfish because they are the funniest characters in the book

Updated by NotMeNotYou