This is the biggest community of people of general knowledge that I'm in contact with; if this is TO of topic, feel free to tell me.
Disclaimer: I SUCK at computers, soft-and hardware, so anyone trying to help me will probably need lots of patience
Now, with that out of the way:
A while ago I bought a new charger for my computer. The old one still works, when it feels like it (guessing it's loose contact), so I decided a new one is a good idea. The problem with the new charger is that, while the battery level doesn't excactly drop, it doesn't go up more than a few percent a week. That and it slows every process on the computer to a speed eqvivalent of manually flipping bits with a magnet. (not really, but you get my point. Most things are annoying to do, and games are outright impossible in approximately 2-3 fps). This basically renders my computer useless for random weeks which is a bit annoying :/
Any idea what the problem could be? One personal theory is some security setting, since the new charger is not by the same company as the computer.
Computer is a Dell with windows 10