Topic: Should there even be a "downvote" option?

Posted under General

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Trying this forum option out for the first time, but I thought it's a neat topic. Sonetimes the downvoting is benefical if it's an undesirable comment that not many people will like. But sometimes it looks like it gets abused. What do you all think, you might be in support of it or have an opinion.

Updated by user 22273

We will always be subjected to criticism, be it genuine or fake, but it is important to have this feature in order to have a balanced voting system. With only the plus and no minus, there will be a lot more zero/low score posts and the bad apples will get mixed in with the regular ones.

The voting system for both posts and comments also represent the public opinion; if someone says something we don't agree with we can downvote, something we agree with we can upvote.

If we strip the option to downvote, then what's the purpose of even voting?

Updated by anonymous

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