Topic: Tag Implication: hooved_fingers -> fingers

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Sparkmane said:
Why does the 'fingers' tag even exist? It's one of those things like 'tail' that probably doesn't need to be tagged

Sparkmane said:
Why does the 'fingers' tag even exist? It's one of those things like 'tail' that probably doesn't need to be tagged

Probably the same reason toes is a tag. Tail is a very vague tag, there's so many varieties of tail. When you're specifying finger/toe amounts you can sometimes specify hand and foot anatomy, IE humanoidish hands vs 2 cloven hooved fingers

Updated by anonymous

Sparkmane said:
Why does the 'fingers' tag even exist? It's one of those things like 'tail' that probably doesn't need to be tagged

There's many ways for characters to not have fingers, like if they have hooves, paws, featureless_hands, mitten_hands, etc. but with a tail it's kind of more binary. If a character is supposed to have a tail and doesn't you can tag with something like no_tail, if a character is an animal_humanoid with a tail you can use animal_tail, and in cases where there's a tail without an owner you can use severed_tail or disembodied_tail depending on the situation. tail on it's own isn't helpful since there are always tags that can explain that part of the image better.


+1, to this implication by the way

also probably the <#>_fingers tags

Updated by anonymous

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