The ages seven to nine are an especially critical time for children. These are the years when they normally make the transition from just hearing and looking at picture books to reading independently for enjoyment and for schoolwork. How well they make this transition will determine much about the quality of their lives. It is very important to find well-written books for your children at this stage.
So, does anyone know of any furry or anthro related literature and especially non-fiction titles? Why do I ask? Because it would be fun to anonymously suggest, order, or donate furry books to local libraries. We will count bestiality too since we want as many suggestions as possible to corrupt enlighten library patrons.
If you don't believe libraries would stock these kinds of books, just remember that almost all of them have books about sex, drugs, suicide, war, guns, and self-defense on the shelves, along with graphic novels and comics for adults, like Watchmen and R. Crumb anthologies. And stools for shorter patrons to reach high shelves.
Genjar suggested the Well World series for containing a lot of species transformation and interspecies sex.
Already Among Us
Fred Patten
ISBN-13: 9780982986646
OCLC: 1035567726
An Anthropomorphic Century
Fred Patten
ISBN-13: 9781614502449
OCLC: 1020285457
Furries among us: essays on furries by the most prominent members of fandom
Thurston Howl
ISBN-13: 9780990890263
OCLC: 959981707
Furry Nation: The true story of America’s most misunderstood subculture
Joe Strike
ISBN-13: 9781627782326
OCLC: 982604556
The Complete Crumb. Volume 3, Starring Fritz the Cat
R Crumb; Gary Groth; Robert Fiore
ISBN: ???
OCLC: 841513640
(see other volumes)
Wet Goddess
Malcolm Brenner
ISBN-13: 9780615334608
Past book thread + and another
Updated by kamui43