Topic: Tag Alias: max_(pokemon) -> max_(pokémon)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

While there's only one image, do we really need the alias? Just make sure nobody in the meantime forcibly changes it, as it's rude to force an untypable character on users.

Updated by anonymous

It's not untypable, there's a number of regions that have é on their keyboards, and even if they don't have that key, holding alt and 1 3 0 (on the numpad) results in the same character. At worst I'd say searching max_(pokemon) should autocorrect to max_(pokémon) or however that works here.

Updated by anonymous

Anonomn said:
It's not untypable, there's a number of regions that have é on their keyboards, and even if they don't have that key, holding alt and 1 3 0 (on the numpad) results in the same character.

Anonomn said:
At worst I'd say searching max_(pokemon) should autocorrect to max_(pokémon) or however that works here.

That's what an alias is, that's what this thread is about.

Updated by anonymous

That's what you get for typing on a less than full size keyboard.
Mostly kidding aside, if it autocorrects to the correct spelling when it's being searched for, what's the problem? If it's a issue of putting it in during the tagging process, someone can come along and fix it after the fact, right?

Updated by anonymous

Wait, so, I just clicked the accented form, and some jerk is once again manually moving the tag over. Moving them back to the unaccented form and contacting them to tell them to stop.

Updated by anonymous

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