Topic: Need help with banning this guy from another site

Posted under Off Topic

So there’s this chan I frequent very often, but as of late, it’s been plagued by this troll who won’t stop. The mods there banned him but it looks like he switched ips. How do we ban him permanently?

Updated by Furrin Gok

Require user registration, maybe add a captcha. If you want to be real sure require photo-ID on sign-up.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Require user registration, maybe add a captcha. If you want to be real sure require photo-ID on sign-up.

Unfortunately, it’s a Chan, so anonymous is why people like it

Updated by anonymous

All of the information you can use to ban somebody on a website with no user registration is falsifiable. IP addresses, cookies, browser agents, and so on.

Updated by anonymous

People like the idea of anonymity and a lack of rules, until they realize that these things also enable people and behaviors they definitely don't like.

It seems like a compromise would be to require registration to post, but not to require unique usernames and not to share post history publicly. So everyone could be, on the surface, anonymous, but you could still enforce the rules against certain users.

But that's never really going to happen.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
People like the idea of anonymity and a lack of rules, until they realize that these things also enable people and behaviors they definitely don't like.

It seems like a compromise would be to require registration to post, but not to require unique usernames and not to share post history publicly. So everyone could be, on the surface, anonymous, but you could still enforce the rules against certain users.

But that's never really going to happen.

Require registration, but only the moderators can actually see usernames? That actually sounds like a neat idea.

Updated by anonymous

Trying to recruit people for off-site drama is very bad taste. Their site, their problem. If you don't like it, don't go there.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Require user registration, maybe add a captcha. If you want to be real sure require photo-ID on sign-up.

That's a fantastic idea that will keep the hateful trolls at bay. If people were required to use an ID to register to websites and then have their accounts linked to their social media, it would make trolls think twice before they leave a hateful comment.

I mean who would want to have hateful comments linked to their social media? There is nothing worse in live, a person could be associated with, then mean nasty comments;)

Updated by anonymous

JeffreyLionelDahmer said:
That's a fantastic idea that will keep the hateful trolls at bay. If people were required to use an ID to register to websites and then have their accounts linked to their social media, it would make trolls think twice before they leave a hateful comment.

I mean who would want to have hateful comments linked to their social media? There is nothing worse in live, a person could be associated with, then mean nasty comments;)

That is absolutely not going to happen. The idea of anonymity is what makes chans so appealing. If only the admins had access to your account, you'd still appear to be anonymous to all the users.

Updated by anonymous

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