Topic: Tag Alias: artemis -> artemis_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing artemis → artemis_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


30 artemis_(* tags. 18 other artemis* tags.

(48 posts tagged with plain artemis.)

Thirty artemis_(* tags:
1) 4 artemis_(apollo_stormbane) . . . character
2) 1 artemis_(appleseed) . . . character
3) 3 artemis_(artemisangelfox) . . . character
4) 2 artemis_(artemisky) . . . character
5) 2 artemis_(artist) . . . artist
6) 1 artemis_(arturus) . . . character
7) 8 artemis_(bonk) . . . character
8) 1 artemis_(cat_busters) . . . character
9) 1 artemis_(character) . . . character
10) 1 artemis_(cipher-raid) . . . character
11) 4 artemis_(curtisboy) . . . character
12) 3 artemis_(fate/grand_order) . . . character
13) 4 artemis_(fellarts) . . . character
14) 2 artemis_(foxxd) . . . character
15) 1 artemis_(greek_mythology) . . . character : Yo! Myththological figure in the house :)
16) 5 artemis_(isla_aukate) . . . character
17) 1 artemis_(linkmasterchief) . . . character
18) 11 artemis_(lopoddity) . . . character
19) 1 artemis_(lunathedusky) . . . character
20) 1 artemis_(mojavecoyote) . . . character
21) 1 artemis_(necrofelix) . . . character
22) 2 artemis_(nero) . . . character
23) 1 artemis_(nexus54) . . . character
24) 24 artemis_(nobby) . . . character
25) 14 artemis_(pokesona) . . . character (hope there only one pokesona named Artemis)
26) 3 artemis_(riptideshark) . . . character
27) 68 artemis_(sailor_moon) . . . character
28) 1 artemis_(slydragoon16) . . . character
29) 2 artemis_(thedragonsnest) . . . character
30) 1 artemis_(tmack) . . . character

Eightteen other artemis* tags:
1) 1 artemis-phoenix . . . artist
2) 2 artemis_alexander . . . character
3) 2 artemis_evelyn . . . character
4) 1 artemis_greye . . . artist
5) 1 artemis_ii . . . general
6) 1 artemis_prower . . . character
7) 3 artemis_schrodinger . . . artist
8) 40 artemis_the_absol . . . character
9) 4 artemis_the_dalmahusky . . . character
no?) 1 artemis_the_dusky . . . character (potentially merge into artemis_the_dalmahusky )
10) 80 artemis_tsukino . . . character
11) 1 artemis_white_(novaduskpaw) . . . character
12) 2 artemis_zlater . . . character
13) 1 artemisangelfox . . . artist
14) 3 artemisfox . . . artist
15) 1 artemisito . . . artist
16) 6 artemispanthar . . . artist
17) 3 artemisthedusky . . . artist (artist tag while artemis_the_dusky is character tag)
18) 1 artemisziebenwolf . . . character

Links at*&type=&order=name

EDIT: The tag alias artemis -> artemis_(disambiguation) (forum #263124) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

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