Topic: Feature request on tagging. Arch tagging or tag fusion...

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Hello I am search Khajiit/human for instance, and I don't find male khajiit on human female it is either lesbienne, sometimes gay or solo, on male human on female kahjiit.
I is just an exaple
The Idea would be to be able to do this male(:/*)Khajiit/Human

There is another site that does that with arch tagging.
They have arch tags like males females species.

Male female are arch tag of the species tags, the character tags, dominance tags etc etc etc...
There is the speices arch tag... yess it is at the same time tied to another arch tag and is an arch tag.
In thi there is blunt species, group reptilian mamala avian etc, but also details like claw scales etc etc etc.... Genital slit....

The misc.....

the arch tag combines with other tag become a new tag, that mean that this tag must exist when picture are posted, it will be an hidden tag...

well if we do that our all tagging system go pouf since we had to re-tag the entire website, as teh arc tag/subtag combination need to exist when teh picture is posted...

but we already have arch tagging like artist speciesn franchise, character, the white stuff with an arrow that serve to hide tag...



Your text is incredibly hard to comprehend.

The "arch" tags you see on our page at the moment are categories, and purely visual. They do not "group" tags like would want to have, they simply highlight specific tags.

The thing you're suggesting is not possible with our current database.

Updated by anonymous

Not to mention it'd be that much more effort on the part of the taggers, on a website where upholding tagging policies can be hard already, even if "hidden arch tags" could be introduced, it'd still be far too much work to maintain them than however little amount of post searching it would end up saving, even if everything was ideally tagged.

Though you did mention "There is anotehr (sic) site that does that with arch tagging.", what website is that?

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
The "arch" tags you see on our page at the moment are categories, and purely visual. They do not "group" tags like would want to have, they simply highlight specific tags.

This what I say, but an otehr website they do.

Fifteen said:
Not to mention it'd be that much more effort on the part of the taggers, on a website where upholding tagging policies can be hard already, even if "hidden arch tags" could be introduced, it'd still be far too much work to maintain them than however little amount of post searching it would end up saving, even if everything was ideally tagged.

Though you did mention "There is anotehr (sic) site that does that with arch tagging.", what website is that?

I said I was aware, + using that system would mean just fucking retaging everything....

the otehr website is e-hentai galerie, the arch tag only appear when you enter a gallery.
the tags are not as p^recise and diverse than in our website.. But they do have arch tagging
For insteance :
bear girl
wolf girl
furry bieng the only true tag the other are hidden tags
I click on furry :

this appear
> Vote Up > Vote Down > Show Tagged Galleries > Show Tag Definition > Add New Tag
and now show tagged galleries


etc etc etc etc....

Here you can't reall have male Khajiiit

Updated by anonymous

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