Topic: Tag Implication: anubis -> egyptian_mythology

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating anubis → egyptian_mythology
Link to implication


Only now I realized that various deities could imply the pantheon they belong to, and it seems none of them currently do. Implicating every damn deity to a pantheon would be an annoying task, but given the nature of the site, the Egyptian pantheon should be enough since it's by far the one with the most amount of posts. Luckily, this post has the bigger deities listed, ready for mass-editing: post #898284

Updated by klorpa

+1 .. after clean up.

1117 - anubis is currently a character tag.
2574 - anubian_jackal is a species tag for the black/gray sleek canine that resembles drawings of anubis.
24 - anubian - species tag with no wiki page. Seems like it's used for vaguely the same thing as Anubian_jackal
25 - anubite - see above, but is a general tag

Seems like some general clean up is needed. SOme of these tagged critters are.. well, some of these do not say "egyptian" or "deity" or "anubis" to me:

post #1283600 post #1427705

klorpa said:
+1, although this will probably lead to separating amaterasu the god from amaterasu the video game character.

You say that like it's a bad thing. o_o

Updated by anonymous

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