Topic: jimmyglace should be a character tag, not artist.

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I noticed this character was tagged as an artist by mistake. This problem is like 5 years old or more. But if I found it, others will probaly get as confused as I was, so I thought it was worth bringing up. I hope this is the right place to do that.

Updated by Random

I could fix it myself, but since this is a perfect opportunity to teach you how to fix these kind of small errors:

  • Click on Tags at the top of the site
  • Type jimmyglace and click Search
  • In the table below, click the (edit) link in the Type column
  • Select the wanted type in the drop-down list and click Save

Now you are done! :-)

Updated by anonymous

Just make sure it is **only** used as a character before changing it.
If there are multiple different uses, some will need to get _(artist) etc. added to them to distinguish.

Updated by anonymous

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