Topic: Bowser --> Bowsette

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I dunno, wouldn't it make more sense to make these two different? While yeah, bowsette is still bowser sometimes i just want to see normal bowser and i can't just take off bowsette pics because they are listed under the same tag.

Updated by Furrin Gok

You can take off bowsette pics by using a minus in front of whatever tag you don't like. For example:

bowser -bowsette_meme -super_crown

That should get rid of all bowsette pics :)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Well, that kind of works, but...

Considering the tag search limit and the fact that Bowser has other forms too, such as meowser, searching for his normal form only has become a chore.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Considering the tag search limit and the fact that Bowser has other forms too, such as meowser, searching for his normal form only has become a chore.

Why exactly does Meowser imply Bowser to begin with?
super_sonic doesn't imply sonic_the_hedgehog, and that's about as significant a transformation as Bowser to Meowser. Link's base form isn't implied by his wolf form. Megas and Alolan forms don't implicate their base Pokemon.

Updated by anonymous

Lafcadio said:
Why exactly does Meowser imply Bowser to begin with?
super_sonic doesn't imply sonic_the_hedgehog, and that's about as significant a transformation as Bowser to Meowser. Link's base form isn't implied by his wolf form. Megas and Alolan forms don't implicate their base Pokemon.

I never realized it had an implication. Meowser is actually a canon character!

Updated by anonymous

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