Topic: Tag Alias: holo -> horo

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing holo → horo
Link to alias


"Horo" is the English phonetic spelling of the Japanese phonetic spelling of an English word. It really should be Holo. We don't tag Lawrence's name as Kurafuto_Rorensu, so we shouldn't do it to her name either. I know this distinction doesn't seem important, but people who come here searching for that character are most likely going to use "Holo" anyways, so we might as well make it the main tag.
Edit: Yeah, since I can't request it to be aliased since it's aliased to something, even though I can't find out what, I'm just gonna suggest aliasing holo to horo instead, just to get around the problem, since it would be faster than making another thread to ask what horo is aliased to.

The suggestion is still alias Horo > Holo


i dont know enough about subject to say anything about it expect that horo means whore in finnish and i find this amusing bcs of that

Updated by anonymous

siikaprinssi said:
i dont know enough about subject to say anything about it expect that horo means whore in finnish and i find this amusing bcs of that

I was laughing like 10yo kid because the fansubs I watched used the Horo instead of Holo. Pretty sure there's almost no difference with R and L in japanese hence why there's this situation.

I think Holo is more official variation.

Updated by anonymous

If you want it to be holo, you put it backwards. Might want to edit in a bold Other way around to the opening post.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Mairo said:
Pretty sure there's almost no difference with R and L in japanese hence why there's this situation.

There is a set of letters which have a sound that is somewhere BETWEEN R and L and most efforts to transliterate pick one or the other. But the sound is NEITHER and BOTH.

The best way i've found to show people that sound is to have them say "glass grass" over and over again quickly. Eventually your tongue will stumble over it because it's a tongue twister, and you'll make a sound kind of lrlrlrlrl-y.

(there is also the old racist joke about the japanese man who was told to get supplies for a job-thing and eventually unexpectedly jumped out with a group of people in party hats and yelled 'supplies!')

But yeah, it''s one sound, and there jsut isn't an english letter for it.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
If you want it to be holo, you put it backwards. Might want to edit in a bold Other way around to the opening post.

I did this first, but it told me Horo was already aliased to something, which prevents me from making a implication request thread.

Updated by anonymous

SpencerSDH said:
I did this first, but it told me Horo was already aliased to something, which prevents me from making a implication request thread.

Then you're supposed to make a generic thread, not a suggestion, and request the alias/implication gets transferred.

The existing alias can be found here, there is no thread for it. There's not even a date for when the alias happened!

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Furrin_Gok said:
The existing alias can be found here, there is no thread for it. There's not even a date for when the alias happened!

ahem.. well, the user who suggested it has been banned for over 7 years, sooooo...

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Then you're supposed to make a generic thread, not a suggestion, and request the alias/implication gets transferred.

The existing alias can be found here, there is no thread for it. There's not even a date for when the alias happened!

That thread does not say what horo is aliased to, which is why I made this. E621 prevents you from making alias suggestion if the tag is already aliased to something, as I am sure you are aware. Me making a generic thread would just amount to me saying that I can't make the alias thread and then making the suggestion to alias it anyways, which is what I'm doing here. At least this is in the alias suggestion category, where it belongs.

Updated by anonymous

SpencerSDH said:
That thread does not say what horo is aliased to, which is why I made this. E621 prevents you from making alias suggestion if the tag is already aliased to something, as I am sure you are aware. Me making a generic thread would just amount to me saying that I can't make the alias thread and then making the suggestion to alias it anyways, which is what I'm doing here. At least this is in the alias suggestion category, where it belongs.

It doesn't say what Horo is aliased to because it's the result tag. That's how it works, it tells you it's already aliased even if it's that other tags are aliasing to it, so that you can suggest an unalias and instead tell it to alias to the new tag.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Horo_the_wolf is aliased to horo.

if A is aliased to B, You cannot alias B (or A) to C, so suggesting that will fail.

This is to prevent stuff like A aliasing to B, and B aliasing to A eternally.. or A to B to C to A to B to C to A to B to... etc

So, when stuff comes up like this, we have to de-implicated A and B first, then alias both A and B to C separately.

Just to offer some backdrop of the whys

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Horo_the_wolf is aliased to horo.

if A is aliased to B, You cannot alias B (or A) to C, so suggesting that will fail.

This is to prevent stuff like A aliasing to B, and B aliasing to A eternally.. or A to B to C to A to B to C to A to B to... etc

So, when stuff comes up like this, we have to de-implicated A and B first, then alias both A and B to C separately.

Just to offer some backdrop of the whys

Thank you for explaining it in detail. Where can I suggest an unalias?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

SpencerSDH said:
Thank you for explaining it in detail. Where can I suggest an unalias?

Discord helpdesk tends to work the best. If you post it on the forum, it'll likely get buried and forgotten.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Discord helpdesk tends to work the best. If you post it on the forum, it'll likely get buried and forgotten.

What is the helpdesk?

Updated by anonymous

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