Topic: What to do about Discord Simulator comic by doubleWbrothers ??

Posted under General

Currently e621 has a shrunk down version of Discord Simulator comic by doubleWbrothers (1057 x 27007 pixels, 4,719.97 KB )

at post #572585 ( 139x3552 pixels, 245.2 KB).

That 139 pixels wide is unreadable (ie. too small).
Is the original 27,007 pixels tall image too big for e621?

Some of the comments at e621's 572585
have suggested chopping it into bite-sized portions.

Should the full image be uploaded to e621?
Or should it be chopped into bits and those bits uploaded to e621?

Potentially bits could be
bit 1) first six panels (ending in "Too much to HANDle? ...")
bit 2) panel 7 ("No wait! That is too creepy.") to panel 12 ("Sorry. I had to pull myself together")
bit 3) panel 13 ("This is!") to panel 17 ("Enough of this!)
bit 4) panel 18 ("But what can I do?") to panel 24 ("Now we have a pony!)
bit 5) panel 25 ("Very well!") to end (panel 30).

Updated by Mairo

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
Why is it downscaled so much, there are much larger posts in superabsurd_res.

e621 has a resolution limit of 15,000 x 15,000. The original comic image has a height of 27,007, nearly double the limit. I requested a feature change to allow tall and narrow posts like this a while ago in forum #239591, though it seems as this is a low priority issue for the site right now.

Updated by anonymous

JAKXXX3 said:
e621 has a resolution limit of 15,000 x 15,000. The original comic image has a height of 27,007, nearly double the limit. I requested a feature change to allow tall and narrow posts like this a while ago in forum #239591, though it seems as this is a low priority issue for the site right now.

But why not just downscale it to ~500x15000

Updated by anonymous

If 15k is the limit and the full image has 27k height, why split it into 5 images when you can do 2 almost equal ones?

Updated by anonymous

Like already mentioned above, 15K pixel per dimension and 100 MB limit for files here.

In these cases always crop the comic into least number of posts. This way the quality doesn't decrease and doesn't spam tens of posts. Scaling image in any direction always alters it and decreases overall quality from original. Scaling only makes sense with standalone images.

Just remember that with JPG files you need to use dedicated tools like Freevimager to do lossless cropping, gimp or photoshop cannot do this. Othervice save the content as PNG and use something like pnggauntlet to make the file as useable as possible.

When done simply flag the scaled version for deletion as inferior.

Updated by anonymous