Topic: Furry fun groups

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So, I'm looking around for some people to fool around with, but it's a little hard to just FIND them, and I'm no good at prowling or cruising or whatever.
Maybe we start a couple forums and people add their names to the forum associated to where they are?
To be clear, if you're DTF you add you're name, if you don't want to don't. Thoughts?

Updated by Chaser

You should probably elaborate what fooling around means.

Updated by anonymous

if you are looking for rp, go to f-list, if you are actually planning to stick your dick in something, use those furry dating sites.

Updated by anonymous

Eggplant said:
if you are actually planning to stick your dick in something

ZOMG did you just assume Jason118's genitalia???

Updated by anonymous

E621 is not a hookup site. Don't make threads like this.

Updated by anonymous

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