You may or may not have heard that the end of the world is nigh! Again!
There's been a number of lesser apocalypsies recently but the really BIG one is due to occur on December 21st of this year because some Mayans made a prophesy or somesuch a few millenias ago. This has already been debunked many times now on grounds of logic, historical reasoning and even that it wasn't really a prophesy to begin with. But that hasn't stopped hoards of panic-enthusiasts from readying themselves for our all-encompasing non-spesific doom.
I too am preparing! Just in case the world really does end (and hey! December 21st is as good as any other day for it) I'd like to go out with a bang. So I'm putting together a massive End Of The World party!
My question, ladies and gentlemen, is musical! I'd like a thematic soundtrack for our apocalypse. Something up-beat and catchy! Here's what I have so far:
R.E.M - It's the end of the world as we know it (obviously)
Johnny Cash - When the man comes around
Randy Newman - Political science
Any other suggestions? <3
Updated by Huskeee