Topic: New League of Legends champion

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Too many of the new LoL champs strike me as someone's OC, and not like...a professional character design. This is another one of those...not even looking forward to the 34 of this chick.

Updated by anonymous

I get annoyed that every female character has to be a generic humanface thing, while the guys have more liberty to be distinctly nonhuman.

Admittedly, a lot of my annoyance is selfish in nature here. I'm attracted to nonhumans, and specifically and uniquely repelled by humans. And I like females more than males. So the fact that we almost never get any distinctly nonhuman females is bothersome on a personal level.

Then also the design looks ugly in general to me, even putting all that above aside.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
I get annoyed that every female character has to be a generic humanface thing, while the guys have more liberty to be distinctly nonhuman.

I totally get you here. I played a game a while back (Perfect World) that had a sort of "untamed" species. The guys were big and buff and had 100% animal heads. The girls were all small and were basically just humans with animal ears and a tail. Not fair :/ Wanna play big strong furry gals.

Updated by anonymous

wolftacos said:
I totally get you here. I played a game a while back (Perfect World) that had a sort of "untamed" species. The guys were big and buff and had 100% animal heads. The girls were all small and were basically just humans with animal ears and a tail. Not fair :/ Wanna play big strong furry gals.

Yea, what's the deal with that?

Updated by anonymous

wolftacos said:
I totally get you here. I played a game a while back (Perfect World) that had a sort of "untamed" species. The guys were big and buff and had 100% animal heads. The girls were all small and were basically just humans with animal ears and a tail. Not fair :/ Wanna play big strong furry gals.

Don't remember the name, but there was another MMO with a cat race, where for female characters everything above the shoulders and the entire front quarter of the torso was human in appearance, but male characters had full fur and at least vaguely-feline faces.

Updated by anonymous

MagnusEffect said:
Don't remember the name, but there was another MMO with a cat race, where for female characters everything above the shoulders and the entire front quarter of the torso was human in appearance, but male characters had full fur and at least vaguely-feline faces.

That more or less sums up the animal races in a lot of MMOs. Final Fantasy, Archeage, Wildstar, and probably countless others that I don't know about. Men are all bestial and half (if not mostly) animal, women are... cat-girls. Humans with horns. So on.

Updated by anonymous

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