Topic: Thumbnail Codes

Posted under General

Is there a breakdown somewhere explaining what the codes shown under thumbnail pictures mean? Some are obvious but some are not. After much searching I have not found found any such explanation.

Updated by NullKek

They go like this: post score (up/down votes), times faved, how many comments and finally:

  • P when it has a parent post,

C when it's a child of a post (may be a variation of another post), and
PC when it's both

Updated by anonymous

score | favorite count | # of comments | rating

additional letters at the end:
U = unapproved (pending approval)
C = has child posts
P = has parent post
F = flagged

10 | 15 | C2 | S | PU
as an example you might see

Updated by anonymous

Blind_Guardian said:
score | favorite count | # of comments | rating

additional letters at the end:
U = unapproved (pending approval)
C = has child posts
P = has parent post
F = flagged

10 | 15 | C2 | S | PU
as an example you might see

What of E and S?

Updated by anonymous

Rivercoon said:
What of E and S?


*S = Posts rated Safe
*Q = Posts rated Questionable
*E = Posts rated Explicit

Updated by anonymous

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