Topic: A (+) button next to the (?) button in the tags list would be neat

Posted under General

It would add the tag it's next to at the end of the string in the search bar, then you could further narrow your image browsing experience.

or then it would turn threads into posts and put them in stickied threads as an option

Updated by Xch3l

Feathering said:
It would add the tag it's next to at the end of the string in the search bar, then you could further narrow your image browsing experience.

It already does that (but not on a post page, because there it's useless)...

Feathering said:
or then it would turn threads into posts and put them in stickied threads as an option

Not sure I understand.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
It already does that (but not on a post page, because there it's useless)...

On privileged+ it does

Updated by anonymous

Feathering said:
your image browsing experience

I hope you're using marketing speak sarcastically

Updated by anonymous

Feathering said:
It would add the tag it's next to at the end of the string in the search bar, then you could further narrow your image browsing experience.

or then it would turn threads into posts and put them in stickied threads as an option

I'm the only one to cause needless hype and have insensible delays due to unforseen circumstances >.> hey all things bearing we are only a couple weeks behind schedule :p

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
It already does that (but not on a post page, because there it's useless)...

It already does? It's there?

This kind of thing

Is the feature i would make use of and i imagine would be useful.

except all the tags would have +'s

Updated by anonymous

Oh, wow, it was set to only be available for privileged+ users. Changing that right away.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Oh, wow, it was set to only be available for privileged+ users. Changing that right away.

I always wondered why e621 did not have the + - buttons for tags like Danbooru has. Now I know. I still do not see the +- buttons next to tags when doing a search if it's already on or thought to be on.

Updated by anonymous

Azazial said:
I always wondered why e621 did not have the + - buttons for tags like Danbooru has. Now I know. I still do not see the +- buttons next to tags when doing a search if it's already on or thought to be on.

It'll be available at the same time as Episode three (or with the new update)

Updated by anonymous

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