Topic: Tag Alias: labia -> pussy

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The labia is not the pussy, it is the puffed up fleshy area surrounding it

Updated by anonymous

While that is true, I don't see a reason for labia to be a tag. Plump_labia, yes, but not labia.

Updated by anonymous

It's not always plump; sometimes it's just normal and not puffed out

Updated by anonymous

They're roughly the same thing in common usage; vagina technically means the inner part whereas labia means the outer part, but I'm pretty sure when people say "pussy" they mean the entire thing, not just the canal. Either way, it's impossible to see labia without seeing pussy based on our definition of pussy, so the alias is valid.

Updated by anonymous

I think it should implicate pussy, not be aliased to it as the same is not true in reverse. When I refer to pussy, I refer to the canal or rather inside part, and I use groin to describe the whole thing

Updated by anonymous

On e621, it is essentially impossible for an image to be tagged pussy, but that same image to not[/i] show labia. The only exception I can think of off the top of my head is those sideways x-ray internal shots like: post #372229And those can be found with internal anyway. So we would be keeping around the labia tag, even though it would be synonymous with pussy on roughly 99% of posts, except the 1% that has internal shots like that where you see a pussy but no labia.In every other case where you can see pussy, you can also see labia. Remember, you can still see labia in 'slit' pictures like post #372353Unless you want the labia tag to refer to inner labia, in which case this whole discussion is moot and we have to start over.

Updated by anonymous

As far as the tag goes, this makes a lot of sense. It is almost impossible for the vagina to be taggable and the labia not be simultaneously visible. Making it redundant to tag both. So in the end I have to agree Tony has a good point. It only makes sense to tag labia separately if there's an added descriptor. Like when it's especially plump, or an odd color or something unusual going on. I just can't justify (as much as I would like to) any need for two tags that will only show up on 99% of the same pictures. The tag on its own probably isn't necessary.

However, I still just have to say that it really, really badly makes me wince inside to see anyone trying to suggest the labia and the vagina are "the same thing." That's like saying the foreskin and the glans are the same thing. It's just basic anatomy here.

So even though I'm reluctantly in favor of aliasing the tags for practical reasons. I hope no one takes this literally to mean that the labia (minora or majora) are at all the same thing as the vagina. Being next-door anatomy neighbors doesn't make them the same thing at all.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
As far as the tag goes, this makes a lot of sense. It is almost impossible for the vagina to be taggable and the labia not be simultaneously visible. Making it redundant to tag both. So in the end I have to agree Tony has a good point. It only makes sense to tag labia separately if there's an added descriptor. Like when it's especially plump, or an odd color or something unusual going on. I just can't justify (as much as I would like to) any need for two tags that will only show up on 99% of the same pictures. The tag on its own probably isn't necessary.

However, I still just have to say that it really, really badly makes me wince inside to see anyone trying to suggest the labia and the vagina are "the same thing." That's like saying the foreskin and the glans are the same thing. It's just basic anatomy here.

So even though I'm reluctantly in favor of aliasing the tags for practical reasons. I hope no one takes this literally to mean that the labia (minora or majora) are at all the same thing as the vagina. Being next-door anatomy neighbors doesn't make them the same thing at all.

We're not talking about the literal vagina as in the vaginal canal, we're talking about "pussy" which is a slang term for the vagina or labia.

Updated by anonymous

I'm sorry to necro this thread, but this discussion just sort of shriveled up and died. I think we need to discuss this more.

Updated by anonymous

It still hasn't been aliased. So, is it going to be aliased? Ippiki thinks it should, and Tony thinks it should, so what's the consensus?

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
It still hasn't been aliased. So, is it going to be aliased? Ippiki thinks it should, and Tony thinks it should, so what's the consensus?

I think the consensus is "admins will get around to aliasing it whenever they have the time to get around to it". It's not like they don't have other things to do. :)

Updated by anonymous

Sorry for the necro but it seems this is the start of a huge number of problems and this alias still makes no sense to me when we were using labia, a tag that is functionally more useful, not to mention all forms of the word and anatomy were aliased once again making it harder to search for specific things.

Id say this alias should be reversed pussy -> labia

The list of reasons is longer than I care togo into. But a few choice ones.

1: Due to laziness or whatever reason else whoever actually did the alias also invalidated labia_minora making it impossible to search for the inner lips as tony brought up before the alias even went through.

2: its called a penis for the other genitals but we still use pussy for some reason. Im not going to argue this again or beat the dead horse but sexism is pretty apparent there.

3: building on that Vulva is still a much better term than pussy. We need to drop the slang.

4: we have a tag for clitoris and clitoral hood but no actual way to search for meaty labia/ large inner labia.

If i wanna block or look up meat curtains I cant. And thats a pretty damn huge problem when everything is tagged "pussy" which is about as meaningless and nondescript as it gets.

Updated by anonymous

Demesejha said:
Sorry for the necro but it seems this is the start of a huge number of problems and this alias still makes no sense to me when we were using labia, a tag that is functionally more useful, not to mention all forms of the word and anatomy were aliased once again making it harder to search for specific things.

Id say this alias should be reversed pussy -> labia

The list of reasons is longer than I care togo into. But a few choice ones.

1: Due to laziness or whatever reason else whoever actually did the alias also invalidated labia_minora making it impossible to search for the inner lips as tony brought up before the alias even went through.

2: its called a penis for the other genitals but we still use pussy for some reason. Im not going to argue this again or beat the dead horse but sexism is pretty apparent there.

3: building on that Vulva is still a much better term than pussy. We need to drop the slang.

4: we have a tag for clitoris and clitoral hood but no actual way to search for meaty labia/ large inner labia.

If i wanna block or look up meat curtains I cant. And thats a pretty damn huge problem when everything is tagged "pussy" which is about as meaningless and nondescript as it gets.

Seconding the 'renaming to vulva' and 'unaliasing labia_minora'. Honestly 'vagina' could be unaliased too since it refers to the actual opening and canal rather than just the external, but I know that because it's also slang for vulva, trying to keep it tagged properly would be a losing battle.

Updated by anonymous

Demesejha said:
Sorry for the necro but it seems this is the start of a huge number of problems and this alias still makes no sense to me when we were using labia, a tag that is functionally more useful, not to mention all forms of the word and anatomy were aliased once again making it harder to search for specific things.

Id say this alias should be reversed pussy -> labia

The list of reasons is longer than I care togo into. But a few choice ones.

1: Due to laziness or whatever reason else whoever actually did the alias also invalidated labia_minora making it impossible to search for the inner lips as tony brought up before the alias even went through.

2: its called a penis for the other genitals but we still use pussy for some reason. Im not going to argue this again or beat the dead horse but sexism is pretty apparent there.

3: building on that Vulva is still a much better term than pussy. We need to drop the slang.

4: we have a tag for clitoris and clitoral hood but no actual way to search for meaty labia/ large inner labia.

If i wanna block or look up meat curtains I cant. And thats a pretty damn huge problem when everything is tagged "pussy" which is about as meaningless and nondescript as it gets.

I do agree labia should be dealiased since I do see it usage were the immediate interior is visible or hangs out in regards to lose labial commonly referred to as meat-curtains in cases that would not be applicable for spread_pussy. thru we do not need separate major and minor tags as only the minor labia is normally visible in any art.

as far as vulva goes it certainly is a valid alternative to pussy, as it does cover everything externally visible including the vaginal canal... it is the female equivalent of the penis usage on e621.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I don't mind 'pussy' as a catch-all term.

But I think that people should be able to look for labia-related terms.

THat said...

Darou said:
thru we do not need separate major and minor tags as only the minor labia is normally visible in any art.

As much as I hate to use someone as an example here... <3 Not everyone understands the difference between the labia majora (aka, outer labia, outer lips, etc) and the labia minora (aka, inner lips, inner labia...)

The outer labia are the most commonly visible part of the pussy. it's the 'outside... as seen: post #1382735 post #1382617 post #1380771 post #1370983

The outer labia are typically the same color as the rest of the nearby skin, and can range from 'barely there' to 'huge'

The inner labia are picked inside them-- the "meat curtains" if you will. You can see them peaking out here: in blue: post #1382644 in pink post #1382722 post #873731 post #745294

The inner labia are typically depicted as a different color from the surrounding flesh--in humans it is generally a lot more pink toned, though can be more tan or brown. They can range from entirely nestled between the outer lips, or big thick ... meat curtains.

So, with this knowledge the outer labia is more commonly visible, not the inner labia.

And we need both types of labia tagged, because everyone has a different opinion on what's attractive. Some people find inner labia weird, others love it. Others like lots of it, others don't. some like small outer labia, others what huge. both need tagging.

On a side note: I strenuously object to 'meat curtain' being anything like a tag.

IMO: we need tags for: (and these are not suggestions for tag wording, and are not taking into consideration existing tags.)

  • Pussy, or vulva - the over all presence of female genetalia
  • Outer labia - This technically may not be needed, as 'pussy/vulva' covers this rather well.
  • Inner labia - they exist, in all sizes.
    • Small inner labia - for small inner lips
    • large inner labia - for large, but naturally sized labia
    • hyper inner labia (maybe) - for the large 'meat curtain' styled labia that is larger than you would typically see. (they can be quite large on human women, but most are more average)(It's interesting to note that the size of 'acceptable' inner labia is changing as amature porn is becoming more prevalent and we're exposed to more types of pussy than 'perfect slits') (so it might be wise to account for changes over the years)

Then there'sd a lot of pussy pictures that would need to be gone through.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
I don't mind 'pussy' as a catch-all term.

But I think that people should be able to look for labia-related terms.

THat said...

As much as I hate to use someone as an example here... <3 Not everyone understands the difference between the labia majora (aka, outer labia, outer lips, etc) and the labia minora (aka, inner lips, inner labia...)

The outer labia are the most commonly visible part of the pussy. it's the 'outside... as seen: post #1382735 post #1382617 post #1380771 post #1370983

The outer labia are typically the same color as the rest of the nearby skin, and can range from 'barely there' to 'huge'

The inner labia are picked inside them-- the "meat curtains" if you will. You can see them peaking out here: in blue: post #1382644 in pink post #1382722 post #873731 post #745294

The inner labia are typically depicted as a different color from the surrounding flesh--in humans it is generally a lot more pink toned, though can be more tan or brown. They can range from entirely nestled between the outer lips, or big thick ... meat curtains.

So, with this knowledge the outer labia is more commonly visible, not the inner labia.

And we need both types of labia tagged, because everyone has a different opinion on what's attractive. Some people find inner labia weird, others love it. Others like lots of it, others don't. some like small outer labia, others what huge. both need tagging.

On a side note: I strenuously object to 'meat curtain' being anything like a tag.

IMO: we need tags for: (and these are not suggestions for tag wording, and are not taking into consideration existing tags.)

  • Pussy, or vulva - the over all presence of female genetalia
  • Outer labia - This technically may not be needed, as 'pussy/vulva' covers this rather well.
  • Inner labia - they exist, in all sizes.
    • Small inner labia - for small inner lips
    • large inner labia - for large, but naturally sized labia
    • hyper inner labia (maybe) - for the large 'meat curtain' styled labia that is larger than you would typically see. (they can be quite large on human women, but most are more average)(It's interesting to note that the size of 'acceptable' inner labia is changing as amature porn is becoming more prevalent and we're exposed to more types of pussy than 'perfect slits') (so it might be wise to account for changes over the years)

Then there'sd a lot of pussy pictures that would need to be gone through.

just for reference I refer to visibility as far as tagging goes, rarely can you make the distinction between the outer labia and the rest of the crotch skin and that is even less so in most art ,only even considered in the anatomy by artists who are drawing in photo realism or hypertrophic fetish...

Updated by anonymous

Thirtyeight said:
+1 for aliasing labia-> pussy.

..did you read the thread at all...? because it has been aliased years ago but people are now discussing about unaliasing it

Updated by anonymous

Commander_Eggplant said:
..did you read the thread at all...? because it has been aliased years ago but people are now discussing about unaliasing it

You know, your right. I skimmed the thread and hadn't thought it had been finalized. I apologize.

Updated by anonymous

I basically was going to make the same post that SnowWolf just did and more or less they got across the same point.

As it stands the inability to search with specifics is more a hindrance than any help/theory it could have been and frankly I dont understand why the alias got put through earlier without more lengthy discussion on such a big change.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Darou said:
just for reference I refer to visibility as far as tagging goes, rarely can you make the distinction between the outer labia and the rest of the crotch skin and that is even less so in most art ,only even considered in the anatomy by artists who are drawing in photo realism or hypertrophic fetish...


okay. I am including a real life photo behind this link. There is a vulva visible. It is a labled anatomical image of a real life woman's vulva. Please don't click if you don't want this picture: Real life vulva from wikipedia

That's kind of the point. the outer labia (Labia majora) are almost always there. They're in pretty much every image. Labia minora are more frequently hidden.

Also, as I said, Outer labia "technically may not be needed, as 'pussy/vulva' covers this rather well."

Outer labia is, however, very visible. That's the pussy. For, like, literally decades, minor labia were considered to be 'gross' and they were actually airbrushed/photoshopped away leaving only the outer labia visible--a small slit. I remember being rather concerned when I was a teenager because I had this weird STUFF down there that didn't look like the porn I'd seen. In more modern times, it's become a lot more 'acceptable' to have minor--inner--labia.

Or to put it way more bluntly: Outer labia IS the crotch skin. Unless it's above the 'lip region' then it's the mons pubis. If it's below, it's the perineum. To either side? Thigh crease, basically. some girls MAY have a little more 'crotch skin', but mostly? Crotch skin is labia. Some labia are bigger or differently shaped than others. But that's about puffiness, fat deposits, precise shape, how it looks while sitting or standing. But crotch skin's labia.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I'd support the creation of inner_labia tag, since the humanoid_pussy tag clearly isn't working out. That was meant for ones that look human-like (labia and all), but as predicted, it keeps getting mistagged for generic slits.

Updated by anonymous

Commander_Eggplant said:
..did you read the thread at all...? because it has been aliased years ago but people are now discussing about unaliasing it

That's not his fault...I was under the same assumption until I read your post. There should be some green text SOMEWHERE indicating that it was successfully aliased, so it's the mods that effed up.

Genjar said:
I'd support the creation of inner_labia tag, since the humanoid_pussy tag clearly isn't working out. That was meant for ones that look human-like (labia and all), but as predicted, it keeps getting mistagged for generic slits.

Some human pussies look like generic slits...they are rare, but they exist. Seems like that tagged was doomed to fail.

I don't really like the inner_labia suggestion...if we're going to get that specific we might as well go with the proper name of labia_minora, but the easiest solution would be to unalias labia with the understanding that it exclusively refers to the labia minora and not the labia majora. The Labia majora doesn't really deserve to be tagged unless there's something unusual about it like plump_labia.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
just for reference I refer to visibility as far as tagging goes, rarely can you make the distinction between the outer labia and the rest of the crotch skin and that is even less so in most art ,only even considered in the anatomy by artists who are drawing in photo realism or hypertrophic fetish...


Updated by anonymous

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