Topic: Good Lucario Art

Posted under Art Talk

Im looking for high quality lucario art. Male and female are both fine. I already know Scappo and Dark Nekogami do lucario so dont reccomend them. Id appreciate it.

Updated by Peekaboo

ColdWolfSong said:
Im looking for high quality lucario art. Male and female are both fine. I already know Scappo and Dark Nekogami do lucario so dont reccomend them. Id appreciate it.

Check mykiio and kivwolf

Updated by anonymous

ColdWolfSong said:
Im looking for high quality lucario art. Male and female are both fine. I already know Scappo and Dark Nekogami do lucario so dont reccomend them. Id appreciate it.

Put this in the search field
order:score lucario straight -dark_nekogami -scappo
Have fun.

Updated by anonymous

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