Topic: Tag Implication: basarios -> flying_wyvern

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating basarios → flying_wyvern
Link to implication


Basarios are Flying Wyverns. If we have the tag, all the Flying Wyverns should implicate it.

Flying Wyverns

I'm not sure if all the subspecies should imply the original; maybe they should just imply Flying Wyvern, or in some cases even be aliased to the original. I dunno. But there it is.

That's not all, though!


Bird Wyverns

Brute Wyverns


Elder Dragons

Fanged Beasts

Fanged Wyverns





Piscine Wyverns

Snake Wyverns




Apologies for any typoes and mistakes. This isn't a complete list; I left off many of the monsters with names that are not yet translated, because their names would change and we don't have tags for the majority of them anyways. I'm too tired to check each and every one.


post #1721240
The problem with implying dragon out of it is that some of them may look instead like gryphons. Makes it a lot like pokemon in that sense: Sure, they've got their in-canon genuses, but implicating dragon out of it wouldn't work.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, stuff like that was part of why there's a ? there.

Updated by anonymous

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