Topic: New tag suggestion: Afrotherian

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Afrotheria is a group of mammals that contains elephants, sea cows, tenrecs, golden moles, aardvarks, hyraxes, elephant sherws, and their extinct relatives. Most afrotherians live in Africa or of African origin.

The first afrotherians appeared in the early Paleogene after the non-avian dinosaurs are wiped out due to the KT mass extinction event. most groups of afrotherians share little or no superficial resemblance.

post #431497 post #1754627 post #1691010 post #1686423 post #373901 post #1263095

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Updated by Ratte

-1. Clades as a whole are waaaaay too broad to be of any use in species tags, I don't see any practical use in utilizing clades.

Updated by anonymous

BDS17 said:
Afrotheria is a group of mammals that contains elephants, sea cows, tenrecs, golden moles, aardvarks, hyraxes, elephant sherws, and their extinct relatives. Most afrotherians live in Africa or of African origin.

Those species seem to have too little in common to need a shared tag aside from mammal.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Those species seem to have too little in common to need a shared tag aside from mammal.

I will just gonna to remove this. :/

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

As much as it would tickle my taint to use clades for tagging, I have to kinda go with the practicality issue. Interesting idea, though.

Updated by anonymous

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