Topic: Tag Implication: mosquito -> fly

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating mosquito → fly
Link to implication


Mosquitoes are flies, insects of the order Diptera. I do think that the Diptera alias should be reversed (or fly be aliased to dipteran); many members of Diptera do not resemble normal flies, such as the flightless sheep ked, so the tag may be confusing. But, assuming it's not;

Other Diptera Implications

Diptera Aliases

Related Aliases


Fly is a bit of a tricky issue; personally, I feel Diptera/Diptera and fly should alias to fly_(animal), especially since a common mistag I've seen is using it when a user meant to tag "flying". Similar thing happened with the mole tag and lead to the creation of the mole_(animal) tag.

Being a species/character in TBOI I don't mind keeping the distinct tag, however maybe it should be a character tag instead of a species

Anyways, I support this implication regardless, since mosquito are inherently dipterans

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, that's why I suggested the alias to dipteran; fly_(animal) could be aliased to it. While it is a copyright-specific tag, it's... literally just a fly. There's nothing special or identifying about it.

Updated by anonymous

Opilione said:
Yeah, that's why I suggested the alias to dipteran; fly_(animal) could be aliased to it. While it is a copyright-specific tag, it's... literally just a fly. There's nothing special or identifying about it.

It's still an identifiable character from a franchise, and sometimes we can be more relaxed with those in regards to character tags. I don't mind keeping it as a non-species character tag but that's just my personal opinion.

Updated by anonymous

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