...and I get late to my first class on my first day ._.
I know this isn't exactly the place for this but I wanted to share my, rather funny, first day experience. :)
Wall o' text about my day
I woke up at 5:00Am (because, as you knew, traffic and stuff), left the house at around 5:35Am and arrived to school at 6:00Am (as I blipped on blip #22260), one hour before the introductory course started (there wasn't a lot of traffic). Anyway, since we were about 6 people going for the same thing, I thought "man, we're the only few that have arrived. I'll stick with them. Surely, we have the same schedules" and so I did. I stuck with them, walked around a bit and then met up in front of the auditorium (the campus has 3 auditoriums, btw), we got the introductory greeting (it was around 7:00Am) and when it ended and we were all outside, one of the guys I was with said "So, now our parents come for the message the principal had for them, what's next?" and I said to him "No, according to my schedule, they should come at 2:00Pm. Well, at least my brother" (time was 9:30Am at that moment), and while we discussed whether they should come at 9:30Am or 2:00Pm I said to him "ok, let me see your schedule, so I can confirm they come at 2:00Pm".
Turns out he had a DIFFERENT schedule than mine! I quickly thought "Shit! I missed math class!", math was from 7:00Am to 10:00Am. "Shiiiit!! It's really late to just get in unnoticed! But, where the hell was my classroom?". I asked some teachers that, luckily, were just around and they pointed me in the right direction. One of them accompanied me to get there, I got in at around 9:40Am, acted like I was solving what the teacher had (I had no freaking idea about what was in the whiteboard, but I still did as if I was writing *awesomeface* ).
After the class ended, another teacher that was supposed to give us a walk around the school, decided to describe it and when he finished, he said something that, to my understanding, went something like this: "Now, go get lost a while around while you check the campus". And so I did. Since I was thirsty after the welcoming, I decided to go to the cafeteria first, then my brother called me asking when the parents would talk to the principal (my parents can't come and go that easily, they're in [Hometown], so I asked my brother some days before if he could come), told him this entire story, and went to check stuff about scholarships, which in turn, my group was just arriving to the same place.
I reintegrated with them but the teacher said that "it was the last stop". Suddenly, my group walked upstairs and I though "what should I do? Follow them? or wait for them? Fuck it! I'll follow 'em!". There was a lot of people up there! Turns out that upstairs was what they call CELEX (Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras / Foreign Languages Center), which as you might have deduced, the applications to learn a second or third language were done there (that's why there was a lot of people). I decided to carry on and walk downstairs. Since I didn't saw anybody of my group, I went outside to check if I could see anyone familiar (the only hints I had were a hipster-looking dude, a chubby girl, another thin girl, a tall dude and the teacher). I looked left and right and saw no one... I almost felt like a lost puppy. I decided to go back and look for them, in case they got stuck in the crowd, and saw the teacher, and the rest of the group, coming downstairs. I said to the teacher "heh heh... I think I anticipated the walk a bit!", he looked at me and, after we all were in the same place, near the cafeteria, he left.
After that, we headed back to the auditorium and followed the program...
Sooo... yeah, in case you were wondering, I had the greeting messages, national anthem, school and campus' anthems, introductions and everything, twice.
So, now that we're at it, if you remember, how were your first school days? Be it on the uni, college, high school, etc.
I'll get here prolly tomorrow after school, though! If I can, I'll get here just a few minutes before leaving!
Now, I must say good night! Good night, guys!
wish me luck I don't get lost and/or miss the first class again ._.
Updated by Moon Moon