Topic: Tag Alias: leucism -> leucistic

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Bumping, mainly due to the fact that melanism and melanistic are still separate and the latter tag is now being commonly used thanks to the aliasing of black_panther. Would be great if leucism/leucistic and albino/albinism/albinistic got the same, standardized tag treatment too

Updated by anonymous

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:
Aliasing leucism → leucistic
Link to alias

Curiosity: Is the alias order based on which tag came first, or which term is more proper?
I also wish the staff would speak directly to users with 0+ records about changes to tags like this

If the staff is also going to alias the many albino-related tags, then perhaps they should be aliased to albino, since that's the main tag that gets used.

Updated by anonymous

Casanova said:
Curiosity: Is the alias order based on which tag came first, or which term is more proper?
I also wish the staff would speak directly to users with 0+ records about changes to tags like this

If the staff is also going to alias the many albino-related tags, then perhaps they should be aliased to albino, since that's the main tag that gets used.

Leucistic is the use of term as a descriptor, hence my suggestion. a character isn't leucism, they are leucistic.

Also -1. Leucism isn't the same as albinism, even if they're similar. And then don't get me started on melanism, aka too much pigment, which is similar but visually very different. Aliasing them all to one tag would led to lots of mistags

Updated by anonymous

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