Topic: Favorite Melee Weapons?

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I have a small collection of knives, daggers, short swords, misc. :3

(She is a blade person.)

Updated by anonymous

Based on the subtext you added, I'm going to have to say the Helko Vario 2000 log splitter. Your ordinary axe sucks for splitting wood, but this maul--of German and Swiss construction--is designed for maximum power delivery and ease-of-use, sundering massive rounds that any axe (and many other mauls for that matter) would simply get stuck in. However, it would have very limited ability as a weapon (unless you are swinging overhead at enemies at knee-level lol) and weighs 8.5 lbs.

But for "actual" weapons (hope you didn't mean real-life) I'm going to have to say Andúril, the sword given to Aragorn by the elves of Rivendell. It was reforged from the shards of Narsil, the sword of Isildur, Aragorn's predecessor. Sting is pretty cool too. I have a thing for lightsabers as well, because who doesn't.

santier's spear is best pvp

Updated by anonymous

Knives easy.
A knife was likely the first tool made by humans (well a sharp rock really) and are still used by almost everyone on a daily basis. As a weapon they can range from a concealable lappel dagger used by the oss to escape if they were caught, to a large fighting knife such as the Spanish navaja used in duals. Bayonets are also the only bladed weapon that is still standard issue, while they are largely used as tools bayonet charges can still occur today.
They are also extremely concealable, I've taken carbon fiber and ceramic knives through stadium security for funsies, I've also talked to a former prisoner that told me how hard it was for the guards to find plexiglass shanks.
I've practiced throwing knives for so long I can consistently stick my target from a variety of distances and positions. while not entirely realistic to throw knives in a fight, I learned in practice that just hitting somebody in the face with a Nerf ball can allow a considerable gap to be closed before they can recover.

In the correct situations I feel like they can also out preform most other weapons. A misericorde was used to dispatch a wounded knight by stabbing through gaps in the armor. While a larger weapon would more easily incapacitate an armord opponent a knife was easier to get into the weak spots of the armor and deal a fatal wound.
During world war 1 the large bolt action rifles were too slow and difficult to use in the confines of the trenches, so the soldiers would use pistols and hand weapons including the trench knife. The trench knife was designed specifically for close in fighting it has a knuckle duster handle with a skull crusher pommel and a variety of blades including the triangular blade used to pirce the heavy great coats of the time.

Despite their small size their effectiveness as a weapon can be immense. During the crusades the Nizari Ismailis would publicly assassinate important targets, likely with a knife due to their concealability. Thus affecting great political change and fear among high ranking officials, so much so some would never be seen without their armor.

Of course I've spent a great deal of my fun money on rare and one of a kind knives, my favorite being my custom pattern welded steel knife with carbon fiber scales.

Updated by anonymous

Definitely claw-hand dual blades like in MHW.

Updated by anonymous

Funny timing, I was just thinking about this yesterday. Definitely spears, followed closely by glaives. Halberds, scythes etc are cool too. Polearms (the stabby ones) can increase my appreciation of a character immensely. Thankfully, there's no shortage - the latest Zelda game has a wide variety of very nice spears. Ever Oasis has a race that uses plant spears exclusively, and they level up visually throughout the game.

I guess I first realized I have a spear fetish when I played Dark Souls 1 (I really want to forge one like that eventually).

Updated by anonymous

im personally a fan of chain whips. i hav one that instead of a chain i use paracord with the blade tied too teh end. parachord is more stable than chain

Updated by anonymous

Don't shave for several years.
Find a way to affix a heavy ball of metal to the end of your wizard beard.
Use the middle or upper end of your beard as a handle.
Flail opponents to death with your fucking beard.

Updated by anonymous

HereticalFungi said:
Don't shave for several years.
Find a way to affix a heavy ball of metal to the end of your wizard beard.
Use the middle or upper end of your beard as a handle.
Flail opponents to death with your fucking beard.


Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
Knives easy.
(Lotts o stuff)

yoo sure kno alott about knives. its no wonder given all teh uses and teh flexibility of there yoos that they are ur favoite
might have to rethink mi choice, i initially got into chain whips cause it's said that some of teh angels in Gods armie youus them.

Updated by anonymous

The Khopesh - A sword developed in ancient egypt, curved blade witha hook to pull down shields near the handle
Kunai, Aitor bayonet and spears are great, too.

For improvised weapons I would say lead pipes, kitchen knives (smooth bladed)or a good old bottle of whisky

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:
...or a good old bottle of whisky

Okay, now that's just a waste of good scotch!

Updated by anonymous

I like chainsaws, it makes up for its bulkiness with pure damage output and intimidation factor

Updated by anonymous

Oh, that's easy it's a War Hammer. They are easy to use goes straight in then straight out, they are meant to puncture steel so stabbing flesh will feel like stabbing tissue paper. (Also can double as a regular hammer:D)

Updated by anonymous

CCoyote said:
Okay, now that's just a waste of good scotch!

A good bottle doesn't break when it's full ;)

Updated by anonymous

D4rk said:
A good bottle doesn't break when it's full ;)

A good bottle is never left full. ;)

Updated by anonymous

Ruikuli said:
XL sized bad dragon dildo

I was going to say daggers and go on about how they’re useful even outside of battle, but I think you changed my mind

Updated by anonymous

I do like baseball bats, specifically because of the way you can knock out somebody with it. Its satisfying doing that in games as well.

Updated by anonymous

ThatGuyWhoDoesStuff said:
I do like baseball bats, specifically because of the way you can knock out somebody with it. Its satisfying doing that in games as well.

Conversationally--as this is one of my favorite fun facts out there-- "knocking people out" is not a thing that happens in real life.

Typically, losing consciousness as a result of a smack on the head lasts seconds, not minutes. The longer you are unconscious, the more likely you are to have severe long term brain damage. If you even wake up at all.

Please don't hit people and expect it to act like the movies.

Oh, as for favorite melee weapon, There are lots of fun ones. I'd probably say a staff, though: characters who use them tend to be dexterity fighters, which is more my speed. Depending on the setting, they might be monks or wise men or outdoorsy types. Plus, they're good at people people at a distance, and increasing your own reach, while also being a useful tool.... plus, your skills can translate pretty easily to most any appropriately sized branch or rod if needed.

Updated by anonymous

Hmmm, i really like maces/morning stars as they can be used in a variety of ways.

Other than that a nice long claymore is always good (provided i had a platemail armor of some sort). The reason being, a long sword like that could also double as a short spear, so i have an mid-range aoe weapon to keep a distance between myself and the enemy if i want to and a cqc weapon as an ''alternate mode''.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Conversationally--as this is one of my favorite fun facts out there-- "knocking people out" is not a thing that happens in real life.

Typically, losing consciousness as a result of a smack on the head lasts seconds, not minutes. The longer you are unconscious, the more likely you are to have severe long term brain damage. If you even wake up at all.

Please don't hit people and expect it to act like the movies.

Yeah, so if you wanna hit people without seriously hurting them you should avoid using tools, since unarmed combat only causes minor exterior damage.

I learned that from Die Hard :3

Updated by anonymous

Haljkljavahlibrz said:
a long sword like that could also double as a short spear

I am reasonably certain that claymores don't work that way in any sort of real-life situation (actually I'm 100% certain lol).

Updated by anonymous

IRL (what I would fight with given the option):
Retractable bladed armored gauntlets, or even just clawed armored gauntlets. Even wolverine style retractable blade gauntlets.
Utilized with forearm mounted bucklers or similar guards. I might even consider clawed boots as well.
I also would prefer concealable types, with daggers being a standard. The type of dagger I'm most interested in at this time is known as a sword breaker

I like these due to speed & ability to rapidly counter against an opponent, even if they have a longer range melee weapon, because all it takes is one miss, or even just an aggressive charge if one is brave & skilled enough, as longer melee weapons are more difficult to ready back up after an attempted strike, & their striking force & capability can be severely hampered after passing a certain "danger zone" of the swings/lunges of said longer weapons.

In having the hands be the primary weapon, for the bladed/clawed gauntlets, it also allows the user to more safely grab &/or disarm the opponent &/or their weapon (assuming they aren't also using a similar fist or sparring weapon, or dagger).

Hands are underestimated as weapons. They are the builders that enabled us to create the great things we did after all.

Practically any melee weapon that operates on directed energy, some other energy enhancement, or even an innovative mechanical system that isn't immediately understandable (Squall's gunblade comes to mind). Such as light sabers & other energy blades, & kinetic enhanced hammers & blunt weapons.

This is mostly due to scientific intrigue, though pure energy blades would be exceptionally dangerous because of their theorized weightlessness & limitless, or near limitless, cutting ability.
In the Haloverse, the martial style of energy swords is described as being dance-like due to not requiring as much skill & technique to be put towards a cutting, slicing, or chopping motion when striking.

End note:
I do still respect & sometimes admire most, if not all, weapons. Even ones that appear impractical, outlandish, or downright weird, because they get my mind going on how they could possibly become useful & what situation(s) that would fit.

What's funny about this line of thinking is that even the ugliest of decorative wall hangers can be treated as a throwing weapon.
Like some of these monstrosities given a spotlight by Skallagrim.

But this word salad wouldn't be complete unless I include something so terrible that it challenges you weapons & knife enthusiasts to not spit-up into your mouths due to how irredeemable it is.
Here you go.

Updated by anonymous

Aster_Viridian said:
I am reasonably certain that claymores don't work that way in any sort of real-life situation (actually I'm 100% certain lol).

I think that german landskechts used them in such a way, or a swird simmilar to a claymore.

Updated by anonymous